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Data Dictionary Status Codes
This section lists the status codes that pertain to the data dictionary files. These codes often relate to errors involving referential integrity.
6000: Orphan Found
This error occurs when you perform a referential integrity test with the Check Database wizard. A foreign key in a related table does not have a match in the primary table. See Checking Consistency and Referential Integrity in Pervasive.SQL User's Guide.
6002: Invalid Column
The column name cannot be used. The name may contain invalid characters or the name may be a duplicate name. See Naming Conventions in the online Pervasive.SQL Programmer's Guide, which is part of the Pervasive.SQL Software Developer's Kit (SDK).
6003: Foreign Key Not Found
The column to which the foreign key is to be associated does not exist in the primary table.
6005: Column Not Nullable
This column cannot be made null. Certain data types, such as identity and small identity, cannot be null. Check the data type of the column. See Data Types in SQL Engine Reference for a list of the Pervasive.SQL data types.
6006: Invalid Data Type
The number for the data type is not within the valid ranges. The current range is 0 to 30. See Data Types in SQL Engine Reference for a list of the Pervasive.SQL data types.
6007: Invalid Index Number
The index number is less than zero. Negative numbers are not allowed as index numbers.
6008: Too Many Segments
The number of index segments is greater than 119. The number of index segments that you may use depends on the file's page size. The maximum number of index segments permitted with a page size of 4,096 bytes is 119. See Choosing a Page Size and Segmentation in the online Pervasive.SQL Programmer's Guide, which is part of the Pervasive.SQL Software Developer's Kit (SDK).
6009: Index Name Duplicate
The index name is already being used a column. Use a unique index name. See Naming Conventions in the online Pervasive.SQL Programmer's Guide, which is part of the Pervasive.SQL Software Developer's Kit (SDK).
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