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Informative Status Codes
This section lists the informative status codes that the MicroKernel can return. The MicroKernel returns these codes as negative values.
-101: The SET statement completed successfully
The following statements return this status code when they execute successfully:
Table 1-2 SET Statements SET SECURITY SET OWNER SET VARIABLE SET TRUENULLCREATE SET ROWCOUNT SET TIME ZONE SET DECIMALSEPARATORCOMMAThe MicroKernel made the requested change. However, if a SET OWNER statement was issued during a transaction, the change does not take effect until the user begins a new transaction.
-102: The INSERT statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel added the specified rows to the table(s).
-103: The UPDATE statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel made the specified changes to the table(s).
-104: The DELETE statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel deleted the specified rows from the table(s).
-105: The CREATE statement completed successfully
The following statements return this status code when they execute successfully:
Table 1-3 CREATE Statments CREATE PROCEDURE CREATE TABLE CREATE GROUP CREATE TRIGGER CREATE INDEX CREATE VIEWThe MicroKernel successfully added the group, index, stored procedure, table, trigger, or view to the data dictionary.
-106: The ALTER TABLE statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel successfully made the requested change to the table dictionary definition. If a column has been altered (including a primary key or foreign key) without specifying the IN DICTIONARY keyword, the MicroKernel also changed the data file.
-107: The DROP statement completed successfully.
The following statements return this status code when successfully executed:
Table 1-4 DROP Statements DROP PROCEDURE DROP TABLE DROP GROUP DROP TRIGGER DROP INDEX DROP VIEWThe MicroKernel successfully removed the group, index, stored procedure, table, trigger, or view from the dictionary. (Dropping a table also deletes the data file for that table.)
-108: The statement contains unresolved substitution variables and cannot be executed
The current SQL statement contains substitution variables and cannot be executed until values are supplied for each variable. If your application allows substitution variables, refer to the documentation included with the application to determine how to use them.
-109: The view contains no more records
The beginning or the end of the view has been reached.
-110: The GRANT statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel assigned the specified rights to the user or group.
-111: The REVOKE statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel revoked the specified rights from the user or group.
-112: The START TRANSACTION statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel has begun a transaction. All subsequent statements that you issue are part of this transaction until you issue either a COMMIT WORK or a ROLLBACK WORK statement. For a savepoint, the SAVEPOINT label remains in effect until you explicitly release or roll back to that label, or until the end of any outer transaction within which the savepoint is nested.
-113: The COMMIT WORK statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel committed the changes made by your transaction to the data tables. You can no longer undo the changes with a ROLLBACK WORK statement. For a RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement, any changes made since the savepoint was declared can no longer be rolled back separately. They can only be committed or rolled back as part of an outer transaction.
-114: The ROLLBACK WORK statement completed successfully
The MicroKernel reversed the changes you made during the transaction except for any changes you made with operations that are not affected by transaction processing. If you perform one of the following operations within a transaction, the MicroKernel completes the operation, but you cannot roll back the results:
- Operations that create or change dictionary definitions. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of the following statements: ALTER TABLE, CREATE GROUP, CREATE INDEX, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, and CREATE VIEW.
- Operations that remove dictionary definitions. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of the following statements: DROP GROUP, DROP INDEX, DROP PROCEDURE, DROP TABLE, DROP TRIGGER, and DROP VIEW.
- Operations that grant or revoke security rights. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of the following statements: GRANT and REVOKE.
For a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement, any changes made since the savepoint was declared are rolled back.
-115: The MicroKernel successfully recalled the stored SQL statement
This status code is obsolete in the MicroKernel versions 4.0 and later, except when using v3.01 Compatibility mode.
-116: The MicroKernel successfully executed the stored SQL statement
This status code is obsolete in the MicroKernel versions 4.0 and later, except when using v3.01 Compatibility mode. In the MicroKernel v4.0 and later, stored procedures are used instead of stored statements.
The MicroKernel executed the stored statement that you submitted for execution.
-118: The DECLARE statement completed successfully
The following statements return this status code when they execute successfully:
Table 1-5 DECLARE Statements DECLARE CURSOR DECLARE VARIABLE DECLARE CONDITIONIf you issued a DECLARE statement, the MicroKernel successfully created the cursor, variable, or condition you defined.
-119: The SET assignment statement completed successfully
The SET variable = expression statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-120: The OPEN statement completed successfully
The OPEN CURSOR statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-121: The CLOSE statement completed successfully
The CLOSE CURSOR statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-122: The FETCH statement completed successfully
The FETCH statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-123: The positioned UPDATE statement completed successfully
The UPDATE [table_reference] SET set_clause WHERE CURRENT OF statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-124: The positioned DELETE statement completed successfully
The DELETE [FROM table_reference] WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name statement returns this status code upon successful completion.
-125: The CALL stored procedure statement completed successfully
The CALL statement returns this status code upon successful completion. This status code indicates the successful completion condition for the stored procedure.
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