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MicroKernel Status Codes for Windows and DOS Workstations

The workstation MicroKernel engine returns the following status codes in Windows and DOS environments.

1001: The lock parameter is out of range

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 7.0 and later.

Version 6.x MicroKernels return this status code when the value specified for the Number of Locks configuration option is out of range. Pre-v6.0 MicroKernels return this status code when the value specified for the Multiple Locks configuration option is out of range.

1002: A memory allocation error occurred

Make sure that the workstation has enough memory to load all the programs it requires. For workstation versions of the MicroKernel, or client requesters, the insufficient memory may apply to conventional memory, expanded memory, or both.

1003: An invalid memory size parameter was specified

This status code is received when the value for Cache Allocation Size is invalid.

To adjust Cache Allocation Size:

  1. Click Start4Programs4Pervasive.SQL V84Control Center.
  2. Expand Pervasive.SQL V8 Engines and expand the desired database.
  3. Expand Configuration, then expand Server, and click on Performance Tuning.
  4. In the right hand frame, double-click on Cache Allocation Size.
  5. Enter a valid byte size in Current. (Note: Cache size should not be larger than the sum of the sizes of the files you are using.)
  6. Exit Configuration and restart the engines for the new settings to take effect.

See Advanced Operations Guide for more information.

1006: The pre-image buffer parameter is out of range

In Pervasive.SQL 2000i and later versions, the setting Extended Operation Buffer Size is obsolete. This resource is managed dynamically by the MicroKernel.

The Extended Operation Buffer Size configuration option must be between 0 and 64,000, inclusive.

To adjust Extended Operation Buffer Size:

  1. Click Start4Programs4Pervasive.SQL V84Control Center.
  2. Expand Pervasive.SQL V8 Engines and expand the desired database.
  3. Expand Configuration, then expand Server, and click on Memory Usage.
  4. In the right hand frame, double-click on Extended Operation Buffer Size.
  5. Enter a value for Current that falls within the named range.
  6. Exit the configuration utility and restart the engines for the new settings to take effect.

The Pre-Image Buffer Size configuration option must be between 1 and 64, inclusive. The pre-image file is used in pre-v6.0 files and by v6.0 and later MicroKernels that are loaded with the Create Files in Pre-v6.x Format configuration option set to Yes. No longer valid in MicroKernel v7.8 or later.

1007: The files parameter is out of range

In Pervasive.SQL 7 and later versions, the Open Files configuration setting is obsolete. This resource is managed dynamically by the MicroKernel.

For pre-v6.0 engines, the Open Files configuration option must be between 1 and 250, inclusive. For v6.0 and later engines, refer to the appropriate version documentation for valid range information.

1008: The initialization parameter is invalid

The specified configuration options contain invalid or unidentifiable values.

1009: The transaction filename parameter is invalid

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 7.0 and later.

The filename specified for the Transaction filename configuration option is not valid. Ensure that the transaction filename is correct.

1010: An error occurred during the access of the transaction control file

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 7.0 and later.

The MicroKernel is unable to create, open, read, or write to BTRIEVE.TRN or MicroKernel.TRN. Set the TRNFILE setting in the BTI.INI file to C:\.

1011: The compression buffer parameter is out of range

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 7.0 and later.

Ensure that Compression Buffer Size option is set to a valid range. Check the target server configuration settings. Refer to Advanced Operations Guide for valid range information.

1012: Invalid /n: option

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 6.0 and later.

The Maximum Number Of Files In A Transaction configuration option is invalid. Valid values are 0 to 18; the default is 12.

1013: The task list is full

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 7.0 and later.

In the Windows environment, this status code is returned if the task entry table is full. You can change the value for the Number of Tasks option using the Setup utility.

In the DOS environment, this status code is returned if the BREQUEST or BREQNT requesters are used without the /t parameter when BTRVID calls are present in the application. Reload the requester with a non-zero value for the /t parameter. For more information on the DOS Requester parameters, refer to Getting Started with Pervasive.SQL.

1015: One of the pointer parameters passed to the MicroKernel is invalid

One of the pointer parameters passed into the MicroKernel is invalid. The MicroKernel checks for invalid pointers only if you put the following line under the [BTRIEVE] heading in your initialization file: CHKPARMS=YES. Otherwise, the MicroKernel performs no pointer checking and you will not receive this status code.

1016: The MicroKernel is already initialized

This status code is obsolete in MicroKernel versions 6.0 and later.

You attempted to initialize the MicroKernel when it was already initialized. To reinitialize the MicroKernel, close all files, end/abort all transactions, and issue Btrieve operation 25, using the BTRV interface before calling the initialization function.

1017: The Btrieve Requester is unable to find the resource file WBTRVRES.DLL

WBTRCALL.DLL returns this status code when it cannot find the resource file WBTRVRES.DLL. Place the WBTRVRES.DLL file in the same directory as the WBTRCALL.DLL file.

1018: The application attempted to call the MicroKernel from a Btrieve callback function

The Windows MicroKernel does not allow a task to call the MicroKernel from a Btrieve callback function. You can only use the callback function with Btrieve for Windows.

1019: The MicroKernel cancelled the current Btrieve operation at the request of the application's Btrieve callback function

The MicroKernel callback function of an application returned a nonzero value, indicating that the application wants to terminate the current operation immediately. When the MicroKernel receives such a cancellation request, it attempts to terminate the currently executing operation and ceases to call the callback function for the duration of that operation. The MicroKernel may be unable to cancel the operation. However, if successful in doing so, the MicroKernel returns this status code.

1020: Btrieve Requester Interface communications error

The MicroKernel loader and requester Interface returns this status code when it cannot send a message to the MicroKernel. This occurs when Windows is shutting down or when you terminate the MicroKernel using Ctrl+Alt+Delete. This is an informational status code only. No action is required. Your application continues the shutdown process. You also receive this status code when running an application that prevents Windows from processing messages.

1021: The MicroKernel failed to initialize

Correct any problems stated in the console message or error log, then retry the operation. If you are using a NetWare MicroKernel, after you have corrected the problem, you must unload and reload the MicroKernel before you can retry the operation.

On NetWare, use the following solution to address the problem:

  1. Verify that SYS:SYSTEM\MKDE\LOG and PVSW.LOG exist.
  2. Check PVSW.LOG4Messages for module loading errors.
  3. Stop and restart Btrieve and SQL Modules as necessary (Sqlstop, Bstop and then Bstart, Sqlstart on NetWare). Check the added entries generated by starting and stopping the engines to determine any existing error conditions.

Alternatively, manually load the modules in BSTART.NCF and SQLSTART.NCF line by line and observe for loading errors logged in PVSW.LOG.

1022: The MicroKernel is shutting down

The operation cannot be completed because the MicroKernel is shutting down. To correct this problem, allow the engine to completely shut down, and then restart.

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