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Generic Messages

The following messages may be returned by more than one utility or component. These messages are not preceded by a component prefix or number.

Bfloat and Float Fields Must Be 4 or 8 Bytes

You have defined a FLOAT or BFLOAT column with a size other than 4 or 8 bytes. Change the column size to 4 or 8 bytes.

First and Second Password Entries Do Not Match, Please Retype

The password you entered the second time is not the same as the first one you specified. Specify and verify your password again.

Incorrect Netware Version

The NetWare version loaded is incompatible with the version of BREQUEST that is loaded. The NetWare shell for NetWare v3.12 or above must be installed at the client machine.

Incorrect Parameter

The SQL or MKDE Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. You specified an invalid configuration option. For information about the Configuration utility and specifying the configuration options, refer to Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

Insufficient Memory

The SQL or MKDE Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. The Requester cannot allocate enough memory for the configuration options specified. Ensure that the client machine has enough memory to load all the programs you want to run.

Invalid Load File Format. End of Record Marker Not Found

The Maintenance utility (BUTIL) encountered an invalid record terminator in the sequential load file. The Maintenance utility expects a carriage return/line feed at the end of each record in a load file. This error usually occurs because the length specified at the beginning of the sequential record is incorrect.

Load File Referenced Undefined Public Variable. Module xxxx Not Loaded

In the NetWare v3.12 or later environment, a module you attempted to load requires that the correct version of another module be loaded. All Pervasive.SQL utilities require that the following software is loaded:

Local Engine Is Already Loaded

The Pervasive.SQL Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. A local engine (XQL v2.11 or earlier) is loaded at the machine. You cannot load the older local engine and the newer Requester at the same time.

Must Have DOS 3.1 or Greater

The SQL or MKDE Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. The Requesters require DOS v3.1 or later.

NetWare Shell Is Not Installed

The SQL Requester returns this message if the NetWare shell is not installed on the DOS client machine at which you want to load the Requester. You must install the NetWare shell on the client machine before an application can communicate with SQL.

Redirection List Not Large Enough

The SQL Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine, and it cannot store all the redirected devices in its internal redirection list. Increase the value for the /R configuration option.

SQL Requester Is Already Loaded

The SQL Requester returns this message if you try to load the Requester when it is already loaded at the DOS client machine.

SPX Is Not Loaded

The SQL or Btrieve Requester returns this message if it encounters an error while loading at a DOS client machine. You must load the NetWare SPX communications software before an application can access the server-based version of Pervasive.SQL or the MicroKernel. For more information about installation, refer to Getting Started with Pervasive.SQL.

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