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Maintenance Utility Messages

The following messages are specific to the Maintenance utility.

BUTIL-1: Message file initialization failed

Only BUTIL.EXE in DOS returns this message. The utility could not find the BUTILDOS.MSG file, which contains messages that the utility uses. Ensure that you installed NetWare Communication Services correctly.

BUTIL-2: Message file initialization failed. BUTIL was unable to access BTIUTILD.MSG

Only BUTIL.EXE in DOS returns this message. The utility could not find the BTIUTILD.MSG file, which contains messages that the utility uses. Ensure that you installed the Transactional engine for DOS correctly.

BUTIL-6: The BUTIL command is invalid

The syntax of the command you entered is incorrect. Verify the syntax before re-entering the command.

BUTIL-8: The command completed, but one or more errors occurred

An error occurred when you executed a command that performed a number of MicroKernel operations. These commands include COPY, LOAD, or CLONE. This message is accompanied by additional messages that can help you identify the problem.

BUTIL-9: The command did not complete due to an unrecoverable error

Verify that the syntax you entered is correct before re-entering the command. This message is accompanied by additional messages that can help you identify the problem.

BUTIL-10: The command line contains a syntax error

The syntax of the command you entered is incorrect. Verify the syntax before re-entering the command.

BUTIL-11: The command line requires the index file

If you specify the BUTIL -INDEX or -SAVE command (modified by the Y parameter) to the Maintenance utility, you must specify the full pathname of an external index file.

BUTIL-12: The command line requires the key number

If you specify the DROP command or the SAVE command (modified by the N parameter) to the Maintenance utility, you must specify the key number of the key you want to drop or by which you want to save the data file.

BUTIL-13: The key size for key of type xxxx is invalid

In a description file, the specified value of the Key Length element for a particular key is incorrect. Ensure that the value of each Key Length element is appropriate for the matching Key Type element.

BUTIL-14: The file that caused the error was <filename>

This is an informative message that identifies the file that caused the error.

BUTIL-15: Error occurred on key segment descriptor xxx of description file

An error occurred when the Maintenance utility attempted to read the key segment descriptor portion of the description file. Ensure that the elements that describe the specified key segment are valid.

BUTIL-16: BUTIL could not open the description file

Before attempting to re-enter the CREATE, INDEX, or SINDEX commands, ensure that the file exists and that you specify the correct full pathname.

BUTIL-18: An error occurred during access of the sequential file

Ensure that the source file is valid.

BUTIL-19: BUTIL could not open the alternate collating sequence file

Ensure that you assigned a valid pathname to the Alternate Collating Sequence filename element in the description file.

BUTIL-20: An error occurred during access of the alternate collating sequence file

Ensure that the information in the alternate collating sequence file is formatted correctly.

BUTIL-21: The file version is earlier than 6.0

The RECOVER command cannot recover data from a Btrieve v5.x file.

BUTIL-23: The /D parameter specified to the Requester was too small for BUTIL to receive the entire record. BUTIL is writing only nn bytes

The Maintenance utility is writing only as many bytes as the value of the /D option allows. If you want the utility to write all the bytes in the record, specify a value for the /D option that is at least as large as the affected record.

BUTIL-25: The /D parameter specified to BUTIL was too small for BUTIL to receive any part of the record

You specified an invalid value for the Requester /D option. Go to the Configuration utility to increase the value specified.

BUTIL-26: The data buffer is too small to hold any part of the record

The MicroKernel cannot return any data in the data buffer because the data buffer is too small to hold it. Go to the Configuration utility to increase the value specified for the Largest Record Size configuration option.

BUTIL-27: An error occurred during the access of the variable page. BUTIL is writing the obtainable portion of the variable page.

An error occurred during the recovery of a file with variable-length records. The file is corrupt.

BUTIL-30: The key position cannot exceed the record length

The range of the specified key position is invalid. The key position you specify on a MKDE call must be within the range of the record's length. For example, for a record that is 100 bytes long, a key position of 50 is within the correct range. However, a key position of 150 is not.

BUTIL-31: The key position plus key length cannot exceed the record length

The range of the key position you specified is invalid. The key position of a key plus its length cannot be larger than the record length. Verify that the key is defined so that its position plus its length does not exceed the record length.

BUTIL-32: The key length must be an even number for key type xxxx

You specified an invalid key length for the key type. Some key types must contain an even number of bytes. Specify a valid Key Length element.

BUTIL-36: The page size must be a multiple of 512, from 512 to 4,096

The page size you specified is not a multiple of 512, from 512 to 4096. Specify an appropriate page size.

BUTIL-37: The record length cannot exceed the page size

The record length you specified is invalid. In the description file, the record length you specified for the Record Length element is larger than the page size you specified for the Page Size element. Specify a record length that is smaller than the page size or increase the page size.

BUTIL-38: The record length must be at least 4 and no greater than 4,096

Specify a record length between 4 and 4096 (inclusive) for Btrieve v5.x, or between 4 and 4088 for Btrieve v6.x and later.

BUTIL-41: The alternate collating sequence cannot be found

The Maintenance utility cannot find the alternate collating sequence file you specified in the definition file. Verify that the alternate collating sequence file exists and that the name is correct in the definition file.

BUTIL-43: The file exists, but the Replace option was not specified

The Maintenance utility did not create a file when you specified the BUTIL -CREATE command because the file already exists. To recreate this file, specify the Replace Existing File element in the description file as Y.

BUTIL-44: The file access error nn occurred for file filename

The Maintenance utility returns the appropriate status code and filename for a file on which a file access error occurred during the beginning or end of continuous operation. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. Refer to Chapter 1, Status Codes for a description of Status Code nn.

BUTIL-45: The number of duplicate keys must be between 1 and 119

Check the value specified for the Duplicate Key element in the description file.

BUTIL-47: BUTIL cannot open the command file

Ensure that the command file exists and that you specified the command file location and filename correctly.

BUTIL-48: The command file is empty

Specify the desired commands in the command file before attempting to use the command file again. In addition, ensure you specified the correct command filename.

BUTIL-49: The command file exceeds 1,000 bytes

A command file cannot contain more than 1,000 bytes. Verify that the command file adheres to this requirement.

BUTIL-50: An internal error caused BUTIL to terminate

The Maintenance utility detected an internal diagnostic error that caused it to terminate.

BUTIL-52: MKDE cannot be stopped when SQL is loaded

Unload the MKDE before attempting to unload the MicroKernel.

BUTIL-53: MKDE error nn occurred for file or command xxxx

The Maintenance utility returns a status code related to a particular file or command. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. Refer to Chapter 1, Status Codes for a description of Status Code nn.

BUTIL-60: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn

Check the syntax of the description file.

BUTIL-61: The end of the file occurred while BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx

Check the syntax of the description file.

BUTIL-62: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx on key segment descriptor nn

Check the syntax of the description file.

BUTIL-63: BUTIL was expecting keyword xxxx

Check the syntax of the description file.

BUTIL-65: BUTIL has loaded no records

Verify that you specified the command correctly and that the input file is in the correct format.

BUTIL-66: BUTIL has loaded nn records so far

The utility loaded the stated number of records since you issued the BUTIL -LOAD command. When you receive this message, the command is still executing.

BUTIL-70: The MKDE error nn occurred on closing a file

The Maintenance utility returns this status code while closing a file. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. Refer to Chapter 1, Status Codes for a description of Status Code nn.

BUTIL-74: MKDE error nn was returned for the Stop Command

This message applies only to the DOS environment. The Maintenance utility returns this status code after you issue the BUTIL -STOP command. The corrective measure depends on the status code received. Refer to Chapter 1, Status Codes for a description of Status Code nn.

BUTIL-76: When BUTIL wrote the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred

The Maintenance utility returns this message while salvaging a file if the file is corrupt, or when a hardware error occurs.

BUTIL-77: When BUTIL wrote a mirror copy of the Page Allocation Table at page #nn, an error occurred

The Maintenance utility returns this message while salvaging a file if the file is corrupted, or when a hardware error occurs.

BUTIL-82: Error occurred on file specification of the description file

An error occurred when the Maintenance utility attempted to read the file specification portion of the description file. Ensure that the elements that describe the file specification are valid.

BUTIL-84: BUTIL internal error

The Maintenance utility encountered an internal error, such as an invalid pointer. Try to run the Maintenance utility again.

BUTIL-90: BUTIL could not allocate enough memory

Free some memory at the server by unloading unused applications.

BUTIL-91: BUTIL could not determine the size of the file

Try to recover the file using the BUTIL -RECOVER command.

BUTIL-100: An internal status code nn

The value nn specifies the ID of a status code whose string resource could not be found. If there is no additional information about the status code in this documentation, call Pervasive Technical Support with this information.

BUTIL-101: The list of files that were not processed is: list

The Maintenance utility returns this error during the ROLLFWD operation if the utility encounters a file that cannot be rolled forward. The utility stops rolling forward and lists the remaining files not processed.

If you receive this message in conjunction with the Maintenance utility message number 103, restore the missing log segment and any log segments created after it to the log directory. If you cannot restore all missing log segments, restore as many as possible. Then, perform the ROLLFWD operation and specify the segment_number parameter of the earliest log segment you could restore.

BUTIL-102: A Roll Forward error occurred

An internal error occurred while the MicroKernel was rolling forward files.

BUTIL-103: Log segment number nn is missing

The Maintenance utility returns this error during ROLLFWD operation if you do not specify a segment_number parameter and one of the files to be rolled forward has a Restore Segment Number that indicates a log segment number that the MicroKernel cannot find.

BUTIL-131: BUTIL was unable to create or open the sequential file

The Maintenance utility returns this message when it is unable to create or open the specified file. Check the sequential file to make sure it exists and has the read-only attribute set.

BUTIL-132: The disk volume is full

You must have more disk space to create or enlarge any data files.

BUTIL-134: BUTIL was unable to create or open the new file

Check the file specified for the BUTIL -SAVE or -RECOVER command. The file may already exist.

BUTIL-136: BUTIL was unable to write the new backup file

Verify that you specified the correct path and filename for the backup file. Also, ensure you have enough disk space for the file to be written.

BUTIL-141: File xx has an invalid extension. This extension is reserved for extended unformatted files

Specify a valid extension. For more information, see Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

BUTIL-142: File xx exists

For more information about extended files, see Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

BUTIL-143: File xx exists. This file is a potential extension of file yy. Remove this file and other potential extension files in this directory

For more information about extended files, see Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

BUTIL-144: File xx has reached the size limit. The utility created one or more extension files. The last extension file is yy

For more information about extended files, see Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

BUTIL-145: The utility found file xx. Remove this file before loading data from file yy

For more information about extended files, see Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide.

BUTIL-146: The source file and output file cannot be the same.

Specify separate source and output files.

BUTIL-147: The utility cannot read record number xx due to MicroKernel error yy. The utility will attempt to read the remaining records from the opposite direction.

Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition

BUTIL-148: Program aborted by user

The utility was stopped by the user.

BUTIL-149: The utility cannot create a temporary file in the current directory to process the STAT command.

Make sure that you have write permission in the current directory.

BUTIL-152: There was an error opening file filename

Check the data file attributes, path, and filename.

BUTIL-155: BUTIL cannot open the file filename

Check the path, filename, and file attributes.

BUTIL-156: Failed to login to database. MicroKernel status xx is returned

Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition

BUTIL-157: Failed to logout from database. MicroKernel status xx is returned

Reference the documentation for the specific status code to resolve this condition

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