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About This Manual

This manual contains information about Pervasive Software product concepts, architecture, and terminology, as well as more general information about database models. It also includes details on Pervasive customer services, product registration, and licensing information.

The Pervasive.SQL V8 product includes a relational database management system (formerly called Scalable SQL) and a transactional database management system (formerly called Btrieve). These products may be used separately or simultaneously, in applications ranging from a single workstation configuration to complete client/server access.

Pervasive also offers the Pervasive.SQL Software Developer Kit (SDK). The SDK is a comprehensive collection of rapid application development resources, including the I*Net Data Server, a direct ActiveX interface, a pure Java Interface, and support for all major Windows development environments. Environments supported include Microsoft's Visual Studio (Visual Basic and Visual C++), Inprise (Delphi, C++ Builder, and JBuilder), and Symantec Visual Cafe. The SDK also supports C, C++, Java, and COBOL programming languages.

The SDK can be purchased from Pervasive on CD-ROM, or it can be downloaded for free from our Web site at the following URL:

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