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Overview of Utility Changes

This release includes some new utilities as well as a variety of updates to existing utilities. This section describes these changes.

New GUI Rebuild Utility

The GUI version of the Rebuild utility has been redesigned for greater usability and increased functionality. Some of the new features include:

The following shows the options page of the new Rebuild utility:

Figure 2-1 New Rebuild Utility - Options Screen

See the following topics in Advanced Operations Guide for information on using the new Rebuild utility:

New Command Line Rebuild Utilities

A command-line version of the Rebuild utility has been added for Windows and Linux (on NetWare, BREBUILD already existed). For complete documentation on this utility, see the following topic in Advanced Operations Guide: CLI Tasks .

New Database Password Utility

To allow for users to change their own passwords without needing the assistance of an administrator, this release adds a new utility called pvdbpass that is included with every installation, including the client requester.


pvdbpass database username [-server name] [-port number] 


pvdbpass database username password newpassword  
	[-server name] [-port number] 

this is the name of the database the user belongs to.
If the database resides on another server use the notation server\database
the name of the user for which the password is being changed
The existing password for the user.
New password for the user. If the password does not begin with a non-alphabetic character, the password should be enclosed in single quotes (') when providing the new password AND when confirming it.
Optional. Server name on which the database is defined. If you do not specify this option, the local machine is assumed
Optional. TCP port on which the SQL engine running on servername is listening. If you do not specify this option, the default port 1583 is assumed


Specify both the current and new password to avoid being prompted.


To change the Master user's password and be prompted:

pvdbpass demodata Master 

To change an existing password to one that does not start with an alphabetic character (use single quotes):

pvdbpass demodata Joe oldpassword '123'  

To change a password on a remote server:

pvdbpass demodata Joe oldpass newpass -server finance1  

Updates to Existing Utilities

The following utilities that were shipped with previous versions of Pervasive.SQL have modifications for the security features.


The BUTIL utility has been enhaced to support the new security models by accepting the following new parameters:

database to which the file belongs (optional)

Pervasive Control Center

Updates to Wizards and Dialogs

The following utilities that were shipped with previous versions of Pervasive.SQL have modifications for the security features.

Create Database Wizard

This wizard is not updated, but it is important to note that when you create a new database using the wizard and you want to select one of the new security models (Mixed or Database), then you need to specify Advanced features.

When you select Use advanced settings, an extra dialog displays that allows you to configure more properties from the default values. One of these properties is the setup of the database name. Since the default is to use the Classic security policy, creating a new database in Mixed or Database mode requires you to click Create as shown in the following diagram.

Maintain Named Databases Dialog

This dialog assumes an important role in the new security features for two reasons.

The following shows the new field on the Maintain Named Database dialog:

Figure 2-2 Maintain Named Databases Dialog - Added Security Selection

Use the Security Policy control to select the security policy you want for the database. To understand the different security models, see Available Models .

Users and Groups Permissions Dialogs

The users and groups dialog is improved from the previous release in these ways:

In a similar fashion, the Groups dialog now has database level rights added to the selections.

Figure 2-4 Group Permissions dialog

These database rights checkboxes are the GUI equivalent to the new SQL statements described in Improved SQL Support . For example, checking the Select database right in the preceding diagram would be the same as the following SQL statement run in the DEMODATA database:

GRANT Select on * to ACCOUNTING 

Utility Updates for Security
Check for Revisions
Help for New Utilities