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Using Archival Logging

This section explains the procedures you must follow to set up Archival Logging, make backups, and restore data files. It is divided into the following sub-topics:

General Procedures

For Archival Logging to work properly, you must follow a clearly defined procedure to set it up, and another procedure in the event that a restore from backup is necessary.

If any steps of the procedures are omitted or compromised, you may not be able to restore your data to its pre-crash state.

To use Archival Logging properly

  1. Turn on Archival Logging, if it is not already in effect. See Setting up Archival Logging for the detailed set-up procedure.
  2. Shut down the database engine.
  3. Backup the data files.
  4. After a successful backup, delete all existing archival logs.

Delete the corresponding log files before you resume working with the data files. Synchronizing the backup data files and the corresponding log files is a critical factor of successful recovery.

  1. Restart the database engine.

To restore data files from backup and apply changes from the archival logs

You cannot use this procedure to roll forward the archival logs if you experienced a hard disk crash and your archival logs and data files were both located on the lost hard disk.

  1. When the computer re-starts after the system failure, ensure that the database engine is not running, and ensure no other database engine is accessing the data files you wish to restore.
  2. Restore the data files from backup.
  3. Start the database engine, ensuring that no applications of any kind are connected to the engine.

It is crucial that no database access occurs before the archival logs have been applied to the data files. Make sure no other database engine accesses the files. You must roll forward the archival logs using the same engine that encountered the system failure.

  1. Issue the Roll Forward command as described in Roll Forward Command .
  2. After the Roll Forward completes successfully, stop the database engine and make a new backup of the data files.
  3. After you have successfully backed up the data files, delete the archival log files. You may now re-start the database engine and allow applications to access the data files.

Setting up Archival Logging

Setting up Archival Logging requires two steps:

To perform these procedures, you must have full administrative permissions on the machine where the database engine is running or be a member of the Pervasive_Admin group on the machine where the database engine is running.

To turn on Archival Logging

  1. Start up PCC. Click Start and choose Programs4Pervasive.SQL V84Control Center.
  2. Double-click Pervasive.SQL Engines. Double-click the engine icon representing the target database engine.

    If you don't see the engine you want to work with, see Pervasive.SQL User's Guide for information on how to register a remote server engine.

  3. Double-click Configuration. Double-click Server. Click Data Integrity.
  4. Right-click Archival Logging Selected Files. From the pop-up menu, click Properties. In the dialog box that appears, click On.
  5. Click OK.

To specify files to archive

You specify the files for which you want the MicroKernel to perform Archival Logging by adding entries to an archival log configuration file you create on the volume that contains the files. To set up the configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. Create the directory \BLOG in a real root directory of the physical drive that contains data files you want to log. (That is, do not use a mapped root directory.) If your files are on multiple volumes, create a \BLOG directory on each volume.

    For example, if you have data files located on C:\ and D:\, and both drives are physical drives located on the same computer as the database engine, then you would create two BLOG directories, as below:


On Linux, the log directory must be named blog and must be created in the directory specified by the PVSW_ROOT environment variable (by default, /usr/local/psql).

  1. In each \BLOG directory, create an empty BLOG.CFG file. You can use any text editor, such as NotePad, to create the BLOG.CFG file. On Linux, the file must be named blog.cfg (lowercase).
  2. In each BLOG.CFG file, create entries for the data files on that drive for which you want to perform Archival Logging. Use the following format to create each entry:

The path to the data file to be logged. The path cannot include a drive letter.
The name of the data file to be logged.
The path to the log file. Because the log file and the data file can be on different drives, the path can include a drive letter.
The name of the log file. If you do not specify a name, the default value is the same directory and file name prefix as the data file, but replace the file name suffix with ".log". You may specify a different physical drive, so that the log and the data files are not on the same drive. Each data file being logged requires a different log file.

A single entry cannot contain spaces and must fit completely on one line. Each line can contain up to 256 characters. If you have room, you can place multiple entries on the same line. Entries must be separated by white space. You must terminate the end of the line with a Return character.

You must use a different log file for every data file that you wish to log. If you use the same log file for more than one data file, the MicroKernel cannot use that log file in the event that a roll-forward is needed.

If you do not provide a name for a log file, the MicroKernel assigns the original file name plus a.LOG extension to the log file when you first open it. For example, for the file B.BTR, the MicroKernel assigns the name B.LOG to the log file.

You are not required to log every file in your database. However, if your database has referential integrity (RI) rules defined, you must log all or none of the files involved in each RI relationship. If you log only a sub-set of the files involved in a given RI relationship, rolling the archival logs forward after a system crash may result in violations of your RI rules.


The following examples show three sample entries in the BLOG.CFG file on drive C. All three entries produce the same result: activity in the file C:\DATA\B.BTI is logged to the file C:\DATA\B.LOG.


The next example directs the engine to log activity in the file C:\DATA\B.BTI to the log file D:\DATA\B.LGF. This example shows that archival log files do not have to reside on the same drive as the data file and do not require the .LOG extension. (The .LOG extension is the default.)


Writing the log to a different physical drive on the same computer is recommended. If you experience a hard disk crash, having the log files on a different physical disk protects you from losing your log files and your data files at the same time.

The next example shows a BLOG.CFG file that makes the MicroKernel log multiple data files to a different drive (drive D:), assuming this BLOG.CFG file is on drive C:


Roll Forward Command

The Btrieve Maintenance utility (GUI or BUTIL command line) provides a command allowing you to roll forward archival log files into the data files. The BUTIL -ROLLFWD command recovers changes made to a data file between the time of the last backup and a system failure. If a system failure occurs, you can restore the backup copy of your data file and then use the BUTIL -ROLLFWD command, which applies all changes stored in the archival log to your restored data files. Do not use this command unless you have restored data files from backup.

You cannot take advantage of the ROLLFWD command unless you both enable the MicroKernel's Archival Logging Selected Files option and back up your files before a system failure occurs.

You can also use the ROLLFWD command to produce an output file of logged operations. The ROLLFWD command can produce the output file either before you roll changes forward or at the same time as the roll forward.

You can roll forward a single file, all data files on a volume, all data files on a drive, or a list of files, volumes, and/or drives.

Using the GUI
  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs4Pervasive.SQL V84Other Utilities4Maintenance.
  2. Within the Maintenance window, choose Data4Roll Forward... The Roll Forward dialog box (Figure 8-1) appears.

    Figure 8-1 Roll Forward Dialog

  1. Select the specific operation type: single file, list of files, volume name, or drive letter. When you select either volume name or drive letter, you must insert a back slash (\) or forward slash (/) at the end (for example, \\server\vol1\ or D:\).
  2. You can generate a log file, called a dump file, of all the Btrieve operations required to perform the roll forward tasks.

    By default, this file is not created. Select the Generate Dump File check box to generate a file. You can also specify the following options.

    Table 8-4 Roll Forward GUI Options

    Only Create Dump File
    Indicates that only the dump file is to be created, and the roll forward operation is not to be performed.
    Dump File Name
    Contains the name of the dump file, which must begin with a slash and not contain a drive letter or server/volume name.
    Data Buffer Length
    Indicates the number of data buffer bytes to write to the dump file for each Btrieve operation.
    Key Buffer Length
    Indicates the number of key buffer bytes to write to the dump file for each Btrieve operation.
    Display Numbers as HEX
    If you select this option, the numbers in the dump file output are formatted as hexadecimal. If you do not select this check box, the numbers are displayed in decimal format.
    Includes additional information like user name, network address, and time stamp in the dump file.

If the key buffer or the data buffer is not an input parameter for the particular Btrieve operation, nothing is written to the dump file.

  1. Click Execute to generate the dump file and/or perform the roll forward operation. If the data is valid, the Roll Forward Status dialog box (Figure 8-2) appears.

    Figure 8-2 Roll Forward Status Dialog

As files are processed, they are added to the scrolling list box which displays the file name and the Pervasive.SQL status code returned from the roll forward operation.

If an error occurs during processing, the Roll Forward Continue on Error dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to continue without being prompted again, to continue and be prompted again, or to stop processing files.

Figure 8-3 Roll Forward Continue on Error Dialog

Using the Command Line

This section explains the syntax for the command line usage of Roll Forward.

BUTIL -ROLLFWD <sourceFile | volume | drive | @listFile> 
[</L[dumpFile] | /W[dumpFile]> [/T<dataLength>] 
[/E<keyLength>] 	[/H] [/V] [/O<ownerList | owner>|*]]
[/A] [/S] 

The fully qualified name of a data file for which to roll forward changes. For Windows NT, you do not need to specify the name of the path if the data file resides in the same directory as your current directory.
A volume for which to roll forward changes. End the volume name with a backslash or forward slash, as in SYS:\, //SERVER/SYS/, or \\SERVER\SYS:\.
A drive letter for which to roll forward changes. End the volume name with a backslash (\) or forward slash (/), as in F:\ or F:/.
The fully qualified name of a text file containing the paths of files, volumes, or drives for which to roll forward changes. Separate these paths with a carriage return/line feed. If the Maintenance utility encounters an error, the utility stops rolling forward the current file, but does not roll back the changes already made. If you specify the /A option, the utility continues rolling forward with the next file.
Produces an output file, but does not roll forward.
Rolls forward and produces an output file.
The file name of the output file to which the Maintenance utility writes a list of logged operations. The default is \BLOG\BROLL.LST, relative to the root of the physical drive. The file name cannot contain a drive letter or volume name and must start with a forward slash (/) or backslash (\). The Maintenance utility places the file on the same volume as the BLOG.CFG file.
Specifies the length of the operation's data buffer to write to the output file. If you do not specify this option, the utility does not include data buffer contents in the output file.
Specifies the length of the operation's key buffer to write to the output file. If you do not specify this option, the utility does not include key buffer contents in the output file.
Instructs the utility to show numbers in the output file in hexadecimal notation. If you do not specify this option, numbers in the output file are in ASCII format. This option affects the format of the Entry Count, Op Code, Key Number, and Data Length fields.
Instructs the utility to include additional information (such as the user name, network address, and time stamp) in the output file.
Specifies the owner name of the data file, if required. An owner name is required if you request an output file of logged operations and the backup copy of the data file has an owner name for read-only access.
If more than one file has an owner name, the respective owner names must be separated by commas. See Owner Names for more information.
Specifies that if you are rolling back more than one file and the Maintenance utility encounters an error, the utility continues rolling forward with the next file. When you do not specify this option, the utility stops rolling forward if it encounters an error. The utility does not roll back the changes already made. Note: When you use the /A option, you might want to redirect output to a file, as described in Redirecting Error Messages and Command Files .
/S (NetWare only)
By default, the Maintenance utility stops at each full screen of output and waits for a keystroke before continuing. With the /S option, the utility continuously scrolls output on the screen. You cannot use /S on the command line if you specify a command file, but you can specify /S with a command inside a command file.

If the key buffer or the data buffer is not an input parameter for the particular Btrieve operation, nothing is written to the dump file.


Example A The following example recovers changes to the CLASS.MKD file from the default archival log and log location.

butil -rollfwd sys:\pvsw\demodata\class.mkd 

Example B This example recovers changes and outputs them to all files on the sys: volume with the following options:

butil -rollfwd sys:\ /W /H /T32 /E4 

Example C The following example does not perform roll forward but only outputs the changes to the files listed in files.txt with the following dump options:

butil -rollfwd @sys:\temp\files.txt /L\temp\files.lst /V /Oown123,own321 

Understanding Archival Logging and Continuous Operations
Check for Revisions
Using Continuous Operations