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Pervasive.SQL Database GUI Reference

To learn about this dialog, click on an area of the image. To display this page from the Maintain Named Database dialog, press F1.

Table 1-7 Maintain Named Databases Dialog Box Elements

Related Material
Registered DB Names
Lists available named databases.
Current database name
Displays currently selected database name.
Dictionary Location
Displays the location of the Data Dictionary Files (DDF) for the selected database name.
Data File Locations
Displays the locations of data files for the database.
Indicates whether or not the database is bound. Binding a database prevents the DDFs or data files from being used in another database and prevents a data file from having two or more different table definitions within the same database.
For more information about bound databases, refer to Bound Database versus Integrity Enforced .
Integrity Enforced
Specifies whether integrity constraints (security, RI, and triggers) are enforced on the database. These constraints apply to Btrieve access to the data files as well as ODBC/SQL access.
Btrieve Security Policy
Allows you to specify what the Btrieve security policy for this database should be.

Pervasive.SQL Database Concepts
Check for Revisions
Pervasive.SQL Database Tasks