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7063 to 7122

License Administrator Status Codes

This section lists the status codes you can receive when using the License Administrator.

7064: No license obtained for the product

This means that the Pervasive.SQL client tried to release a license (one user count, in this instance) but the client either had not acquired a license (one user count) from the server or had acquired a license for a different product.

7065: A product has not been obtained

An application attempted to obtain the license (a user count) for a product, for example Pervasive.SQL V8 Server or Pervasive.SQL V8 Workgroup, but no license has been applied for the product. Ensure that a license has been applied for the product before attempting to obtain the license information.

7101: Invalid character in the license string

The license key you attempted to apply contains one or more invalid characters. All alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case) are permitted except for "i" and "o." Lower case letters are automatically converted to upper case.

Correct any invalid characters in the license key and apply the key again.

7102: Illegal license type is defined

The license key an application attempted to apply is not a valid license because the Product Type is invalid. The permissible types are permanent and temporary.

Ensure that you have a valid license key issued by Pervasive Software or by your application vendor if the Pervasive.SQL database engine is embedded in an application.

7108: License key length is too long

The length of the license key you attempted to apply exceeds the maximum length allowed for a key (24 characters). Ensure that the license key contains 24 characters.

7109: No such license exists

The license key you are trying to remove does not exist. The license key may have already been removed.

If you are using the License Administrator GUI to remove the key, press F5 or click Refresh to redisplay the list of applied licenses. Check the refreshed list for the license key you were trying to remove. If the license key still appears to exist, exit then restart License Administrator.

7110: There is at least one temporary license that has already expired, and there are no other than temporary licenses installed on the system

This means that the overall user count is zero, and that all of the installed licenses are temporary ones that have expired. Install one or more valid licenses, temporary or permanent, to increase the user count beyond zero.

7111: Temporary licenses cannot be removed. The license becomes invalid after its expiration date.

You have attempted to remove a temporary license. Temporary licenses cannot be removed; they become invalid after their expiration date. Verify that the license you want to remove is a type that can be removed.

Note that the permanent license provided with Pervasive.SQL Workgroup cannot be removed.

7112: License is already installed

The license key you are attempting to apply has already been applied (installed). You cannot reapply a license once it has been installed unless you remove it first. Temporary licenses cannot be removed.

If you are using the License Administrator GUI to apply the license, press F5 or click Refresh to redisplay the list of applied licenses. Check the refreshed list for the license you were trying to apply. If the license still does not appear in the list, exit then restart License Administrator.

7113: Invalid license key. Verify the provided key.

The license key you attempted to apply is not a valid license. Ensure that you have a valid license key issued by Pervasive Software or by your application vendor if the Pervasive.SQL database engine is embedded in an application.

If you are using the License Administrator GUI to apply the key, repaste or retype the key into the License Key field, then click Apply License Key.

7115: Invalid product ID

The license key you attempted to apply is not a valid license because the name of the Pervasive.SQL product in the key is not Pervasive.SQL V8 Server or Pervasive.SQL V8 Workgroup. Only these two product IDs are supported at this time.

Ensure that you have a valid license key issued by Pervasive Software or by your application vendor if the Pervasive.SQL database engine is embedded in an application.

7117: License key is too long

The length of the license key you attempted to apply exceeds the maximum length allowed for a key (24 characters). Ensure that the license key contains 24 characters.

7118: The server is not running. Unable to show, apply, or remove a license. Verify that the server is running and that network communications are functioning.

License Administrator is unable to connect to the remote server. This could indicate the following:

7119: The local server is not running. Unable to show, apply, or remove a license.

License Administrator is unable to connect to the database engine on the local machine (the machine on which License Administrator is running). Ensure that a database engine is installed and running on the local machine. Follow the steps in Verifying Database Engine is Running in Getting Started with Pervasive.SQL (Server edition) to ensure the database engine is running.

7120: The license is not removable

The license or licenses you are attempting to remove cannot be removed. Temporary licenses cannot be removed; they become invalid after their expiration date.

Verify that the license you want to remove is a type that can be removed. The permanent license provided with Pervasive.SQL Workgroup, for example, cannot be removed.

7122: Your trial license has expired

The temporary, trial, license you are attempting to install has expired, and one of the following is true:

The Pervasive.SQL product cannot be installed without a valid license. Click Continue if you have a valid license to apply. If you need an additional trial period, you may request a new trial license from Pervasive Software.

7000 to 7050
Check for Revisions
8000 to 8499