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Component Management Status Codes

These status codes originate from the Smart Component Management and Event Logging interface of the MicroKernel.

8001: The Services DLL encountered an error while allocating memory

Memory could not be allocated. Verify that your system resources are not exhausted.

8002: The component ID string was not found

The Services DLL attempted to retrieve an ID from a component, and the component did not have an ID. This status code results from an error in the application.

8003: Thunk path is not accessible to the Services DLL

Smart Component Management cannot find the address of the Win32 interfaces.

8005: Interface not initialized

An interface was not initialized properly. Check the Pervasive Event Log (PVSW.LOG) for more information.

8006: The specified component was not found

Smart Component Management cannot operate on the component because it was not found. Check the Pervasive Event Log (PVSW.LOG) for more information.

You may get more information about the situation that caused this error by setting the environment variable PVSW_DISP_LOAD_ERRS=AIF, and running the application again. This environment variable enables the Services DLL to display on-screen module load errors. However, this environment variable should only be set to diagnose module load errors. In all other cases, it should not be set.

8007: Error retrieving Win32 version information

An error occurred while retrieving the Win32 version information from the operating system. This error should not occur and it indicates a problem with your Windows environment. Contact Pervasive Software Customer Support.

8008: Information mismatch in component ID

An application specified multiple platforms, types or versions in a component ID. Therefore, the Services DLL cannot bind to the correct component.

8009: Required information missing in component ID

A component ID string is missing required information such as:

8010: Error while opening a file to retrieve component ID

The Services DLL attempted to open a file to retrieve a component ID, and the file did not exist.

8012: Required information for binding rule is missing

Required information is missing, such as:

8013: Error locating a component

An error occurred while opening an operating system directory to search for a component. Check the Pervasive Event Log (PVSW.LOG) for more information.

You may get more information about the situation that caused this error by setting the environment variable PVSW_DISP_LOAD_ERRS=AIF, and running the application again. This environment variable enables the Services DLL to display on-screen module load errors. However, this environment variable should only be set to diagnose module load errors. In all other cases, it should not be set.

8016: Invalid instance specified

This error occurs when an application passes an instance handle to the Services DLL that is invalid.

8017: Invalid version information structure

An application tried to free a version information structure and the Services DLL determines that the version structure is invalid.

8018: Item not found by Services DLL

An application requested that the Services DLL free an item, and the Services DLL determines that the item did not originate from the Services DLL.

8019: Library not accepting interface requests

The Services DLL cannot accept requests. In a multi-threaded application, this can occur when one thread attempts to make a request while other threads are overloading the Services DLL. In this situation, subsequent retries should clear the error.

8020: Error loading component

You receive this status code when one of the following occurs:

Pervasive.SQL V8 does not install the requester DLLs into the system directory. By default, all components are installed off of the root into a PVSW directory. From a DOS prompt, type PATH and ensure that the PVSW\BIN directory is included. If it is not, use the Control Panel, System, Environment tab and add the PVSW\BIN directory to the PATH variable. Additionally, the BTI.INI will be installed to the WTSRV directory, which then gets copied to the Profiles\<user>\Windows directory the first time the user executes a 16-bit Windows Btrieve application. Later modifications made to the BTI.INI in the WTSRV directory are not migrated to the users profile directory and it will not be updated.

8022: Component not initialized

While using a multi threaded application, one thread shut down a component and other threads continue trying to use it.

8023: Invalid filename passed to Services DLL

The Services DLL received a filename that does not exist.

8024: Invalid function name

An application asked to import a function that does not exist.

8027: Required attribute missing in component ID

An application program did not specify a required attribute in the component ID.

8030: Return buffer too small for information

An application passed the Services DLL a buffer in which to return information, and that buffer was not large enough to contain the information.

8032: Component ID is invalid

A component ID string was found but it may be invalid because it is too short, too long, or contains invalid characters.

8035: Invalid interface for NetWare platform

An application made a call to an interface that is not supported on the NetWare platform.

8039: Invalid operating system handle specified

An operating system handle to a component ID string was invalid. This can occur when an application erroneously modifies a handle obtained using the GetFileVersionByHandle or the GetFileSizeByHandle functions.

8040: CRC check on component ID failed

A routine CRC check on the component ID failed. This may happen when an application erroneously alters a component ID.

8098: Invalid column-level GRANT statement

You receive this status code when you attempt to make a column-level GRANT statement for a right that is not supported. Only SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE are valid column level rights.

In SQL Engine Reference, see GRANT for more information about valid GRANT syntax.

8099: Only one user can be connected to database when altering security state

You receive this status code when you issue a SET SECURITY statement or attempt to enable or disable security on a database from Pervasive Control Center when more than one user is connected to the database.

To resolve this condition, ensure that only one user is connected to the database and retry the operation.

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