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Verifying Database Engine is Running

To verify that the Pervasive.SQL server engine is running, see the procedure for your platform:

Windows NT and 2000

You can use the Services function of the Windows control panel.

   Using the Control Panel to Check Pervasive Services on Windows NT or Windows 2000:

  1. Click the Start menu, point to Settings and select Control Panel.
  2. On Windows NT, double-click on the Services icon.

    On Windows 2000, point to Administrative Tools, then to Services.

  3. Type 'P' or scroll the list of services until you reach the following services.
    • Pervasive.SQL (transactional)
    • Pervasive.SQL (relational)

      Both of these services must be started if Pervasive.SQL V8 is to function correctly.

      The second column (Status) displays whether or not the service is currently running. The third column (Startup) indicates whether the service is set to automatically start on system startup or start manually.

      Figure 21-1    Displaying the Services Status

  4. If a service is not started, select it in the list and click the Start button on the right side of the dialog as shown in Figure 21-2 .

    Figure 21-2    Starting a Service


You can verify that both engines (mkded - transactional, sqlmgr - relational) are running with the Linux ps utility:

Type the following at a command line:

ps -e | egrep 'mkded|sqlmgr'  

   To start the Pervasive.SQL services in Linux:

Enter the following at the command line under the root user account:

etc/rc.d/init.d/psql start


You can verify that both engines are running by issuing the same commands that start the engines. NetWare will notify you that they are already loaded.


Diagnosing Problems with Pervasive System Analyzer (PSA)
Check for Revisions
Obtaining File, Client, and Engine Version Number