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Network Path Formats Supported by Pervasive Requesters
When using your Requester, you connect to the Pervasive server engine to access data files. This section shows the variations on network file syntax you can use to access files on your network using Btrieve or SQL applications.
Pervasive.SQL supports the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) and Drive path formats (explicit and current) across the majority of operating environments, including:
For more information on the path formats, see the sections that follow:
- Universal Naming Convention (UNC) Path Formats
- Drive-based Formats
- NetWare Specific Formats
- Linux Path Formats
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) Path Formats
The following UNC path formats are supported on all clients to all servers:
\\ServerName\volume\path\file \\ServerName\volume:[\]path\fileUNC syntax is resolved correctly regardless of the actual type of network operating system (NOS) that is operating on the target server.
In all instances above, backslashes (\) can be interchanged with forward slashes (/) except for the double backslash (\\). The syntax [\] indicates that the backslash is optional.
Drive-based Formats
The following drive representations are supported on all clients to all servers:
Do not map drive letters to the \\Tree\VolumeObject format found in Network Neighborhood. See NetWare Directory Services (NDS) Formats .
drive:file drive:[\]path\file file [\]path\file ..\fileNetWare Specific Formats
NetWare path formats on all clients only to NetWare servers:
volume:[\]path\file (ServerName is derived from current drive)NetWare Directory Services (NDS) Formats
Pervasive.SQL provides enhanced Novell Directory Service support over previous versions of Pervasive.SQL through complete integration with Novell's IntranetWare Client for Windows NT and Windows 9X, and Microsoft's Service for Novell Directory Services for Windows 9X (MSNDS). These enhancements provide the following benefits to users and network administrators:
- Better integration with NDS authentication capabilities when accessing the Pervasive.SQL Server Engine for NetWare.
- Ability to resolve server names into network address by querying NDS instead of relying on the NetWare Bindery.
- Support for NDS Volume and Directory Map objects in Btrieve file operations.
Pervasive does not support the \\Tree\VolumeObject format found in Network Neighborhood. See NetWare Directory Services (NDS) Formats .
If you want to run 32-bit applications in an NDS environment, the Pervasive.SQL requesters work best with the Novell IntranetWare clients installed on the workstation. The following sections detail the level of support that Pervasive offers.
Support for Novell Clients for NetWare
Pervasive.SQL was tested with the following Novell clients:
- IntranetWare Client for Windows NT v4.11
- IntranetWare Client for Windows 9X v2.2
- IntranetWare Client for DOS v2.2
Each of these clients provide the set of NDS specific APIs needed by the Pervasive.SQL requesters to integrate fully with the NDS environment. All Pervasive.SQL requesters will detect these clients' presence automatically; no additional Pervasive.SQL configuration changes are required. When these clients are available to the Pervasive.SQL requesters, the following operations are supported:
- Network login via NDS (bindery context does not need to be set on the target server)
- NetWare server address resolution for SPX addresses
- Drive letters mapped to NDS Volume Objects through either the Map utility or Network Neighborhood may be used to specify Btrieve file names or SRDE dictionary and data directories
- NDS Volume Objects and Directory Map Objects may be used to specify Btrieve file names with Win32, and Win16 applications
The file name and path formats supported by the Pervasive.SQL requesters through the Novell clients are listed in the table below:
Support for Microsoft Clients for NetWare
Pervasive.SQL was tested with the following Microsoft clients for NetWare:
- Microsoft Service for Novell Directory Services (Windows 9X)
- Microsoft Client Service for NetWare (Windows NT/2000). This client limits your NDS support; Pervasive recommends using the Novell IntranetWare client.
- Microsoft Client Service for NetWare (Windows 9X)
The Win16 Requesters require the Novell components NWCALLS.DLL and NWNET.DLL. Win32 Requesters using the Microsoft Service for NDS also require these files.
The file name and path formats supported by the Pervasive.SQL requesters using Microsoft's clients for NetWare on Windows 9X/ME and Windows NT/2000 are listed in the following table.
1 <drive letter> can be redirected to a server\volume:, or NDS Volume or Directory Map object on Windows 9X with MSNDS. On Windows NT 4.0 with CSNW, <drive letter> can only be redirected to a server\volume: name; using Network Neighborhood to map a <drive letter> to an NDS object is not supported for Win32 applications.
3 Supported for applications using the Win16 Pervasive requesters only (with no thunking to 32-bit).
Implementation Notes for the Microsoft NetWare Clients
The Microsoft Service for Novell Directory Services (MSNDS) allows Windows 9X workstations to log in to NDS trees and redirect drive letters to NDS servers. MSNDS also supports Windows 16-bit 'NDS-aware' applications by supporting the Novell Windows 16-bit client DLLs, NWCALLS.DLL and NWNET.DLL. MSNDS does not provide 32-bit API support for NDS-aware applications. Windows 9X, however, does provide a thunk mechanism allowing 32-bit applications to call 16-bit applications. The Pervasive.SQL requesters take advantage of that mechanism to provide NDS support, although currently the 32-bit requesters do not allow NDS object names to be used in UNC-style paths as they do with the Novell clients. On Windows 9X workstations with MSNDS installed, the Pervasive.SQL requesters support the following NDS operations:
- Network login via NDS (bindery context does not need to be set on the target server)
- NetWare server address resolution for SPX addresses
- Drive letters mapped to NDS Volume Objects or Directory Map Objects through either the Map utility or Network Neighborhood may be used to specify Btrieve file names, or SRDE dictionary and data directories when logging into a Pervasive.SQL database, only with WIN16 applications
- NDS Volume Objects and Directory Map Objects may be used to specify Btrieve file names, only with Win16 applications
Like MSNDS, the Microsoft Client Service for NetWare (CSNW) on Windows NT 4.0 allows Windows NT 4.0 workstations to log in to NDS trees and redirect drive letters to NDS servers, as well as supporting Windows 16-bit 'NDS-aware' applications by supporting the Novell Windows 16-bit client DLLs. CSNW does not provide 32-bit API support for NDS-aware applications. Unlike Windows 9X, Windows NT does not provide a thunk mechanism allowing 32-bit applications to initiate calls to 16-bit applications (it does allow 16-bit applications to call 32-bit applications, which the Pervasive requesters support). The lack of support for 32-bit 'NDS-aware' applications coupled with the lack of a thunk mechanism for 32-bit to 16-bit calling conventions significantly reduces the ability of the Pervasive.SQL requesters to support NDS environments. On Windows NT 4.0 workstations with CSNW installed, Pervasive.SQL supports the following NDS operations:
- Network login via NDS for DOS applications and Win16 applications that do not thunk to the Win32 requester (bindery context does not need to be set on the target server)
- Network login via NDS for Win32 applications, when accessing the Pervasive.SQL for NetWare server engine using SPX as the transport
- NetWare server address resolution for SPX addresses
- NDS Volume Objects and Directory Map Objects may be used to specify Btrieve file names for Win16 applications that do not thunk to the Win32 requester
Linux Path Formats
Incoming paths on a Linux server using Samba will be processed as follows in order of relative priority:
Share names
\\<server>\<sharename>\<path>The smb.conf file must be configured to accept <sharename>, otherwise it will default to the following:
Absolute paths
<absolute_path>If the smb.conf file is not configured properly or not found on the target server, the absolute path is used.
For more information on the Linux version of Pervasive.SQL V8, see the "Linux Supplementary Documentation" section of Pervasive.SQL User's Guide.
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