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Common Questions After Installing Pervasive.SQL

This section contains information that you should read after running the installation program. If you are having problems with your installation, go to Chapter 21, Troubleshooting After Installation, or get help online from our Knowledge Base website at

How to Handle Data Source Names (DSNs)

The following table describes the procedures for upgrading your DSNs after you have installed the Pervasive.SQL upgrade.

Table 5-2    How to Proceed After Installing Server and Client Software

If your situation is like this....
... then you should do this next:
You have existing Pervasive.SQL 7 DSNs already defined.
You must delete and re-create all existing Pervasive.SQL 7 DSNs before you can access existing databases. Follow the instructions provided in Pervasive.SQL User's Guide Chapter 2, sections Deleting DSNs and Setting Up Database Access on Windows.
You have existing Pervasive.SQL 2000 DSNs already defined.
You should be able to access your databases by connecting to the existing DSNs. Follow the instructions provided in Pervasive.SQL User's Guide, Chapter 2, section Accessing Data via ODBC From Other Applications.
You do not have any Pervasive.SQL DSNs defined
You should be able to connect to the sample DEMODATA database now. Refer to Pervasive.SQL User's Guide for general information on working with Pervasive.SQL. Refer to Advanced Operations Guide for detailed information on working with databases and database engines.

How Do I Convert My Files From Previous Pervasive Products?

Users of previous Btrieve versions: Use the Rebuild utility to convert your existing pre-6.0 or 6.x files to 7.x or 8.x format. For more information, refer to the Advanced Operations Guide.

How Do I Read the Online Documentation?

Pervasive.SQL V8 documentation for Win32 platforms is in Microsoft HTML Help format. To read the documentation, select Start4Programs4Pervasive.SQL V84Documentation4 Pervasive.SQL V8 from the Windows Start menu.

You can also view the documentation in the form of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. These PDF files and an installation program for an Acrobat reader is available on the Pervasive.SQL V8 (Server Edition) CD-ROM.

There is also a README file on the distribution media that has the latest changes and additions to Pervasive.SQL V8.

How Do I Verify or Update My User License?

The License Administrator utility is documented in Pervasive.SQL User's Guide in the section License Administrator . Please see that document for information on user licenses.

What Files Were Installed as Part of Pervasive.SQL V8?

Once installed, Pervasive.SQL files reside in the following directory structure.

Microsoft system files.
\Program Files\Common Files\Pervasive Software Shared


Pervasive System Analyzer


Online documentation


Pervasive Services


Pervasive.SQL engines, requesters and utilities.


Pervasive.SQL client installation programs. (server only)

Pervasive.SQL Windows client installation program. Valid for Windows versions.

DOS Pervasive.SQL Requester files. These files must be manually copied to a DOS client.


Contains sample database. (server only)


Contains the sample database SAMPLE.BTR and UPPER.ALT, a sample Alternate Collating Sequence. (server only)

Where To Go From Here

Continue with your Pervasive.SQL deployment by installing and configuring the client requesters for the machines that will connect to this server. This is documented in Chapter 17, Distributing the Pervasive Client.

Custom Installation Path
Check for Revisions
Network Settings for Server Engine on Windows