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Using Perl and ODBC with Pervasive.SQL for Linux
This procedure assumes you have a working installation of Pervasive.SQL V8, Perl, and an ODBC distribution. A free version of ODBC is available at Perl can be found at
To Get Pervasive.SQL to work with Perl's ODBC Interface:
- Download the DBI (database interface) support for Perl.
- Download the ODBC DBD database driver for Perl.
Please see the installation instructions in the README or INSTALL file.
- Make sure you have the proper environment variables set, as shown in the following example. Note, this is also explained in the iODBC docs.
Code Snippet for Perl and DBI
print "using odbc...\n"; use DBI; $dbName = "DBI:ODBC:DEMODATA"; $dbUserName = ""; $dbPassword = ""; print "connecting...\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM class"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dbName, $dbUserName, $dbPassword); $dataObject = $dbh->prepare($sql); $dataObject->execute(); while(@row=$dataObject->fetchrow_array) { print "$row[0]\t$row[1]\t$row[2]\n\n" }
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