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Setting Up Web-based Data Access on Linux

This section contains information about configuring web servers to provide access to Pervasive.SQL data and provides connection snippets and samples for connecting to Pervasive.SQL data from web applications on Linux.

ODBC Behavior

When you first install Pervasive.SQL, the odbc.ini file is written to /usr/local/psql/etc

If you have other ODBC driver managers such as unixODBC, they might be using a different odbc.ini file located, for example, at /etc/odbc.ini.

One way to unify the ODBC setup is to add soft links from where unixODBC expects the odbc.ini file to be located over to the Pervasive.SQL directories.

cd /etc 
ln -s /usr/local/psql/etc/odbc.ini 

Configuring Web Server

This section shows how you should set up the machine where the web server such as Apache resides.

You should make the user account under which you run any web server such as Apache a member of the group pvsw. These user accounts run under restricted accounts such as nobody

To find the user account, see your Apache configuration file, typically located at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

In this file, the following lines show what user the Apache server uses to operate under.

User nobody 
Group nobody 
Options ExecCgi Indexes 

To add this user to the pvsw group, use the btadmin utility with the administrator permission, substituting the name used in your Apache configuration file.

btadmin a+ nobody


PHP allows for easy development of web applications, using a style that is similar to both ASP in the Microsoft world and JSP in the Java world. Using PHP, you enclose database calls in special tags and format the output using HTML.

Pervasive.SQL PHP Requirements

PHP Connection Snippet

This code segment shows the essential part of connecting to a Pervasive.SQL database using PHP.

// connect to DEMODATA database no uid or password 
$connect = odbc_connect("demodata", "", "");    
// set the query variable to your SQL 
$query = "SELECT * from Department";             
// obtain a result object for your query 
$result = odbc_exec($connect, $query);  

PHP Sample

This complete sample presents the user a choice of three DEMODATA tables and then displays the table.

<H1>Pervasive Hello World Samples - PHP using PHP ODBC APIs)</H1> 
This sample will display the DEMODATA database tables in the following drop-down  
by using PHP. 
// -------MAIN MENU---------------------------- 
// if there is no function specified in the URL 
if (!(isset ($HTTP_GET_VARS["_function"]))): 
// -------------------------------------------- 
<p>Please select from the following tables</p> 
<form method=post action='<?=$PHP_SELF?>?_function=showtable'> 
<select name="selecttable"> 
<option SELECTED value="Department">Department 
<option value="Course">Course 
<option value="Room">Room 
<input type=submit value="Show table"> 
// ------SHOWTABLE----------------------------- 
Elseif ($HTTP_GET_VARS["_function"] == "showtable"): 
// -------------------------------------------- 
print("<p>Return to <a href='$PHP_SELF'>Sample 1 Main menu</a></p>"); 
   $thetable = $HTTP_POST_VARS["selecttable"];     
// determine from FORMS data which table to open 
   $connect = odbc_connect("demodata", "", "");    
// connect to DEMODATA database no uid or password  
   $query = "SELECT * from $thetable";             
// set the query variable to contain the SQL you  
// want to execute 
   $result = odbc_exec($connect, $query);         
// perform the query 
// print out the entire resultset as HTML table 
// (uncomment following line) 
// odbc_result_all($result); 
// or format the output yourself and display  
// a nicer table (but more code required) 
// initialize row counter 
$i = 0;                                      
// determine number of columns 
$numcols = odbc_num_fields($result);         
// start HTML table 
print("<table border=1 cellpadding=5>");    
  print("<tr>"); // start of row 
  while ($i < $numcols)  
       $colname = odbc_field_name($result, $i); 
 print("</tr>");           // end of row 
// while there are still rows 
     print("<tr>");                // start row 
     while ($i < $numcols) 
      $tablecell = odbc_result($result, $i); 
     print("</tr>");              // end row 
     $i = 0;                      // reset counter 
  }                               // end odbc_fetch_row 
 print("</table>");               // end HTML table 
odbc_close($connect); // CLOSE THE CONNECTION 
// ---CATCH INVALID MENU OPTIONS----------------- 
// ---------------------------------------------- 
print("<p>An Invalid function was entered. Please <a href='$PHP_SELF'>try again</a>.</p>"); 

Additional PHP Sample

A more comprehensive PHP sample application that simulates the operations of a video store is available online at the location where you downloaded the Linux client:

This sample uses the Pvideo database that is included with the Pervasive.SQL SDK. If you do not have the SDK installed, you can download the Pvideo database separately with the sample application.


Perl allows for both command line and web-based applications using Pervasive.SQL.

Pervasive.SQL Perl Requirements

Perl Connection Snippet

This code segment shows the essential part of connecting to a Pervasive.SQL database using Perl.

# specify use of Perl's database interface (DBI) 
use DBI;  
# connect to DEMODATA database no uid or password 
$dbInfo = "DBI:ODBC:DEMODATA";  
$dbUserName = "";  
$dbPassword = "";  
# set the query variable to your SQL 
$query = "SELECT * FROM Department";  
# Connect to the server 
$connect = DBI->connect($dbInfo, $dbUserName, $dbPassword);  
# Prepare the SQL query 
$myRecordSet = $connect->prepare($query);  
# Execute the query and obtain a recordset 

Perl Sample

This complete sample presents the user a choice of three DEMODATA tables and then displays the table.

# Perl sample 
use CGI":cgi-lib"; 
$cgiquery = new CGI; 
$functionreq = $cgiquery->url_param('_function');     
# use 'url_param' for GET and 'param' for POST 
print &PrintHeader; 
print &HtmlTop("Pervasive.SQL Hello World Sample - Perl");  
print <<ENDOFMENU; 
<H1>Pervasive Hello World Samples - Perl</H1> 
This sample will display the DEMODATA database tables in the following drop-down  
by using Perl/DBI. 
# -----MAIN MENU------------------------------- 
# if there is no function specified in the URL 
if (!$functionreq) { 
# --------------------------------------- 
print <<ENDOFTEXT; 
<p>Please select from the following tables</p> 
<form method=post action="$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?_function=showtable"> 
<select name="selecttable"> 
<option SELECTED value="Department">Department 
<option value="Course">Course 
<option value="Room">Room 
<input type=submit value="Show table"> 
} #  !($function) 
# ------SHOWTABLE------------------------------- 
elsif ($functionreq eq "showtable") { 
print("<p>Return to <a href='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>Perl Hello World Sample -  Main Menu</a></p>"); 
# determine from FORMS data which table to open 
$thetable = $cgiquery->param('selecttable');          
use DBI;  
$dbInfo = "DBI:ODBC:DEMODATA";  
$dbUserName = "";  
$dbPassword = "";  
$query = "SELECT * FROM $thetable";  
$connect = DBI->connect($dbInfo, $dbUserName, $dbPassword);  
$myRecordSet = $connect->prepare($query);  
# start HTML table 
print "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>";  
$num_fields = $myRecordSet->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}; 
$count = 0; 
print "<tr >"; 
while ($count < $num_fields) { 
$column_name = $myRecordSet->{NAME}->[$count]; 
print "<th>$column_name</th>"; 
print "</tr>\n"; 
$count = 0; 
while(@row=$myRecordSet->fetchrow_array) { 
  print "<tr>\n"; 
  while ($count < $num_fields) { 
  print "<td>$row[$count]</td>\n"; 
  print "</tr>\n";   
  $count = 0; 
print "</table>";              # end HTML table 
# -----CATCH INVALID MENU OPTIONS---------------- 
else { 
print "<p>An Invalid function was entered. Please <a href='$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}'>try again</a>.</p>"; 
print &HtmlBot; 

Additional Perl Sample

A more comprehensive Perl sample application that simulates the operations of a video store is available online at the location where you downloaded the Linux client:

This sample uses the Pvideo database that is included with the Pervasive.SQL SDK. If you do not have the SDK installed, you can download the Pvideo database separately with the sample application.

Internationalization with the Linux Client
Check for Revisions
Using Perl and ODBC with Pervasive.SQL for Linux