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How to Configure the Linux Client

On the Windows platform, you configure both Pervasive.SQL clients and servers using the Pervasive Control Center. You can use the Pervasive Center also to remotely connect to and configure a Pervasive.SQL Linux server.

On a Linux client, however, configuration is written to the Pervasive registry using either the pvclientcfg script or the psregedit utility, which allows you to display and modify the Pervasive registry.

Using the pvclientcfg Script

To run the script, enter pvclientcfg at a shell prompt. You must be the root user or a member of the group pvsw to save configuration changes. The script displays the current settings and allows you to change the settings by number.

Using the psregedit Utility

This section describes how to use the psregedit utility.

psregedit Syntax

-key KEYNAME [ -r ] 
-set -key KEYNAME [ -type TYPE ] VALUE 
-set -key KEYNAME -value VALUENAME [ -type TYPE ] VALUE 
-delete -key KEYNAME 
-delete -key KEYNAME -value VALUENAME 
-export -key KEYNAME [ -file FILENAME ] 
-import [ -file FILENAME ] 


You can use either slash (/) or backslash (\) as the delimiter for keys.

You must enclose keys within quotes ("). For example, "PS_HKEY_CONFIG/Software/Pervasive Software". Otherwise, spaces are interpreted as the end of your key.



Get the key value. If -value is not specified, then the entire key contents are viewed. To view all subkeys, specify -r (for recursive).

-set -key KEYNAME [ -type TYPE ] VALUE 
-set -key KEYNAME -value VALUENAME [ -type TYPE ] VALUE 

Set the key value. If -value is not specified, the default value will be set. VALUE must be appropriate for the TYPE specified. PS_REG_STR is assumed if -type is not specified.

-delete -key KEYNAME 
-delete -key KEYNAME -value VALUENAME 

Delete the specified key or value. If -value is not specified, then the entire key and all subkeys will be deleted.

-export -key KEYNAME [ -file FILENAME ] 

Export the given key, including all values and subkeys, to standard output or the named file.

-import [ -file FILENAME ] 

Import keys and values from either the standard input or the named file.

For all options, the parameters are defined as follows:

KEYNAME := PS_HKEY/Subkey/Path 
VALUENAME := value name or 'default' 

Examples of Configuring the Linux Client

This section provides some examples of configuring the Linux client using psregedit.

To configure the Linux client using an interactive script:


To display all your current settings for the Linux client in a scrollable list in the standard output:

psregedit -key PS_HKEY_CONFIG -r | less 

To specify that your client allow connections to remote servers:

psregedit -set -key "PS_HKEY_CONFIG/Software/Pervasive Software/Microkernel Router" 
-value "Remote" yes 

For more information about specific configuration settings, see Pervasive.SQL User's Guide and Configuration Reference for the Linux Client .

Configuration Notes

This section contains important concepts on configuring your Linux client properly.

Case of Setting Values

When checking or editing the values of settings, the Linux client performs a case-insensitive comparison. For example, entering 'Yes' or 'yes' for a setting value is interpreted identically by the Linux client. The names of registry keys are also handled in a case-insenstive manner by the psregedit utility.

Client Performance Affected by "Local" Setting

When the Linux client interface is first activated, it populates its default settings in the Pervasive registry. The client interface does not have knowledge on whether its installation includes a server engine or not (All Pervasive engines also contain the client components). Therefore, it sets the "Local" setting to yes. This can have an impact on the performance of your Linux client.

If the machine on which you are using the client interface does not have a server engine, you should set the Local setting to no. See Use Local MicroKernel Engine for a reference entry for this setting.

File Names with Embedded Spaces

By default, the Linux client interface does not support file names that contain embedded spaces.

For example:

/mymount/usr/gary/file with spaces.mkd 

If you want to use file names with embedded spaces, you need to change the "Embedded Spaces" setting. See Embedded Spaces for a reference of this setting.

Configuring the Client
Check for Revisions
Configuration Reference for the Linux Client