Table 2-1 Limits/Conditions of Pervasive.SQL Features
Pervasive.SQLFeature |
Limit or Condition |
Arguments in a parameter list for a stored procedure |
300 |
Character string literal |
A character in the string may be any ANSI character between 1 and 255 decimal. |
Columns in a database |
The total number of columns, constraints, and indexes in a database must be <= 65,535. Because a column with the NOT NULL constraint requires an additional field identifier for the constraint itself, the maximum number of NOT NULL columns (assuming no other columns, indexes, or constraints exist) is 32,767. |
Columns in a table |
1536 |
Columns allowed in a trigger or stored procedure |
300 |
Column name |
20 characters |
Column size |
2 GB |
Correlation name |
limited by memory |
Cursor name |
18 characters |
Database name |
20 characters |
Database sessions |
limited by memory |
Database tables |
65,534 |
Group name |
30 characters |
Index name |
20 characters |
Label name |
limited by memory |
Length of DBQ entry in the odbc.ini file |
20 characters (name of database) |
Number of ANDed predicates |
300. For example, this statement uses two ANDed predicates: SELECT * FROM person WHERE First_Name = 'Janis' AND Last_Name = 'Nipart' AND Perm_Street = '1301 K Street NW.'
Parameter name |
126 characters |
Password |
8 characters |
Procedure name |
30 characters |
Referential integrity (RI) constraint (for example, Xr$Name) |
20 characters |
Representation of single quote |
Two consecutive single quotes ('') |
Result name |
limited by memory |
Savepoint name |
limited by memory |
SELECT list columns in a query |
1600 |
Size of a single term (quoted literal string) in an SQL statement |
14,997, excluding null terminator and quotations (15,000 total) |
SQL statement length |
64 KB |
SQL statements per session |
limited by memory |
Stored procedure size |
64 KB |
Table name |
20 characters |
Table rows |
2 billion |
Joined tables per query |
limited by memory |
Trigger name |
30 characters |
User name |
30 characters |
Variable name |
limited by memory |
View name |
20 characters |