Data Source Name Connection String Keywords
A connection string used to connect to a DSN may include any number of driver-defined keywords. Using these keywords, the driver has enough information to connect to the data source. The driver (for example, the Pervasive ODBC Engine Interface or Pervasive ODBC Client Interface) defines which keywords are required to connect to the data source.
Connection strings serve the same purpose in Pervasive.SQL V8 as they did in previous versions. They are used to identify which data source to connect to. The difference now lies in the driver-defined keywords listed in the connection string. Pervasive.SQL 7 used a different set of keywords to identify a data source.
Listed below are the keywords used in Pervasive.SQL V8 connection strings.
Table 2-2 Valid Connection Strings for Client DSNs
Name of the data source as returned by SQLDataSources or the data sources dialog box of SQLDriverConnect. |
The description of the driver as returned by SQLDrivers function. For a Client DSN, it is "Pervasive ODBC Client Interface". |
ServerName |
The address of the server or host name and the port number where the data resides. |
ServerDSN |
The name of an Engine data source referenced by this DSN. |
TransportHint |
Specifies the transport protocols to check for the ServerName. The list of transport protocols is specified in the order in which they should be searched. |
The password corresponding to the user ID. |
ArrayFetchOn |
Enable array fetching. Array fetching is used to improve performance of data fetching between the client and the server. The default setting is to enable array fetching. |
ArrayBufferSize |
Size of the array buffer. Values between 1 and 64KB are acceptable. The default setting is 8KB. |
A user login ID. |
Table 2-3 Valid Connection Strings for Engine DSNs
Name of the data source as returned by SQLDataSources or the data sources dialog box of SQLDriverConnect. |
The description of the driver as returned by SQLDrivers function. For an Engine DSN, it is "Pervasive ODBC Engine Interface". |
A database name. |
A user login ID. |
The password corresponding to the user ID. |