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Documentation Updates

The documentation for Pervasive.SQL can elp you explore the new features.

Changed for This Release

The following documentation is critical to understanding and using the Pervasive.SQL V8.5 release.

Table 1-6 Updated Documentation for Security Release Beta

This book, What's New
The most important book in understanding the new features. It contains a list of all features and describes how to migrate to the new security models.
Getting Started with Pervasive.SQL (Server and Workgroup editions)
The procedures for the installation of Windows Server and Workgroup engines as well as the NetWare server installation chapters have been updated with the new installation program. See Improved Installation Programs for more information.
Advanced Operations Guide
  • Updates to the Converting MicroKernel Data chapter relevant to the updated Rebuild utility. (Rebuild utility help links to this location).
  • Security information from What's New is merged into this manual
  • Updated information for Function Executor utility
Status Codes and Messages
New status codes related to security (starting at code 170).
Pervasive.SQL User's Guide
  • New option for PSA "View Modules" module.
  • New security procedures

New Features

The following new features are present in the Pervasive.SQL V8.5 documentation set.

DataExchange Included if Installed

If you have the Pervasive DataExchange (DX) product, the documentation for that product is now integrated dynamically into the Pervasive.SQL documentation set (pvswdocs.chm). You will see DX documentation in the contents window, and all DX publications are integrated into the Index and Search features. You can still use the DX documentation set independently if you choose by loading the dxdocs.chm help file.

Checking for Topic and Publication Revisions

There is a new HTML link on the bottom of every page in the documentation set labeled Check for Revisions. When you click this link, the help file loads the Pervasive Library ( in a new browser window and performs the following actions:

This revisioning system is built into all manuals except:

Improved Installation Programs
Check for Revisions
Utility Updates for Security