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Changes to Other Btrieve Operations
By adding support in the key buffer for Database URIs, the Open and Create operations in this release provide the ability to allow users to login implicitly to a Btrieve database.
Btrieve Open (0)
The Open operation has been enhanced to accept Database URIs in the Btrieve key buffer when opening a file. The Btrieve requester and MicroKernel Database Engine parse the database URI and resolve it to the correct server and file name using database catalog. For more information, see Database URIs .
Notes on Btrieve Open
- if user and password are not specified in the database URI, either the user is currently logged into the database through the Btrieve Login API, or credentials are not required to access this database.
- If dbname is not specified in the database URI, the current database is assumed. For more information about the default database, see Database URIs and The Default Database and the Current Database .
New Status Codes for Open Operation
The following status codes can now be returned by the Open operation:
170 Database login required 171 Database login failed 172 Database name not found 174 An explicit login is requiredCreate (14)
The Create operation has been enhanced to allow the ability to specify a database URL in the Btrieve key buffer when creating a file. The Btrieve requester and MicroKernel Database Engine parse the database URL and resolve it to the correct server and file name using database catalog. For more information, see Database URIs .
Notes on Btrieve Create
- The user must have CREATE permission to the database.
- The Create operation will not automatically add metadata into FILE.DDF or DBNames.CFG. If the directory specified in "file=" is not one of the file locations in DBNames.CFG for its database, or subdirectory of any file locations, the operation will fail with status 173 (directory error).
- "file=" and "dbfile=" processing are as described in the Btrieve URI Syntax and Use design document.
- If the server indicates that it requires an explicit Login, then the requester will return an error code to an Open or Create without using a URL connection string or having first called Login.
New Status Codes for Create Operation
The following status codes can now be returned by the Create operation
170 Database login required (unknown user id) 171 Database login failed (bad password) 172 Database name not found 173 Already logged in 174 An explicit login is required 175 Wrong URI formatReset (28)
A Reset operation (28) will automatically logout from current active databases.
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