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Monitoring MicroKernel Resources
This section describes the following options for monitoring the MicroKernel:
- Setting Screen Refresh Options
- Viewing Active Files
- Viewing User Information
- Viewing MicroKernel Resource Usage
- Viewing MicroKernel Communications Statistics
Setting Screen Refresh Options
You can refresh the information in the Monitor utility dialog boxes either automatically or manually, as follows.
- Automatically: select the Automatic Refresh check box. The utility updates the dialog boxes at the Refresh Rate specified in the Monitor options (available via Settings on the Options menu).
- Manually: Click Refresh.
Viewing Active Files
To view active MicroKernel files
- Choose Active Files from the MicroKernel menu. The MicroKernel Active Files dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 11-4 . This dialog box shows all the active files for the MicroKernel.
Figure 11-4 MicroKernel Active Files Dialog Box![]()
In the upper left of the dialog box, the Monitor utility displays the Active MicroKernel Files list. This scrollable list contains the complete path of all open files in alphabetic order.
To view more information about a particular file
In the upper right of the MicroKernel Active Files dialog box, the Monitor utility displays the Selected File's Handles list. This scrollable list contains the active handles (users) associated with the selected file. Each handle is represented by a user name (typically the login ID of the user), or by an index into the engine's client (user) list.
To view more information about a particular user
Some handles have an agent identifier, a two letter code that specifies the application that initiated the session.
Table 11-1 lists the agent IDs used by Pervasive.SQL components.
The File Information box displays detailed information about the selected file. The Handle Information box displays detailed information about the selected handle.
File Information
The File Information box displays the following information about each file:
Handle Information
The Handle Information box displays the following information about each file:
Viewing User Information
You can view a list of current users and files, as well as file handles for each user.
To view MicroKernel user information
- Choose Active Users on the MicroKernel menu. The MicroKernel Active Users dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 11-5.
Figure 11-5 MicroKernel Active Users Dialog Box![]()
In the upper left of the dialog box, the Monitor utility displays the Active MicroKernel Users list. This scrollable list contains the names of active users in alphabetic order. Each user is represented by a user name (typically the login ID of the user) or by an index into the engine's client (user) list.
To receive more information about a particular user
Each client is represented by either a user name (typically the login ID of the user) or an index into the engine's client (user) list. Table 11-1 lists the agent IDs used by Pervasive.SQL components. SeeUser Information for specific details about the information available.
In the upper right of the MicroKernel Active Users dialog box, the Monitor utility displays the Selected User's Handles list. This scrollable list contains the active handles (files) associated with the selected user. The MicroKernel creates a handle each time a user opens a file; therefore, a single user can have several handles for the same file.
To view more information about a particular file handle
- Highlight the desired handle in the list. SeeHandle Information for specific details about the information available.
User Information
The User Information box displays the following detailed information for the selected user handle:
Connection Number See Connection Number . Task Number See Task Number . Site See Site . Network Address See Network Address . Locks Used Indicates the number of locks the user is currently using. Transaction State Displays the type of transaction lock the user currently holds. The possible transaction types are Exclusive, Concurrent, or None. Records Read Displays the number of records read since the user first opened a file. Records Inserted Displays the number of records the user has inserted. Records Deleted Displays the number of records the user has deleted. Records Updated Displays the number of records the user has updated. Disk Accesses Indicates the number of times the user required a disk access. You will not see any information for disk accesses for files that have just been opened. Cache Accesses Displays the number of times the user required a cache access.Handle Information
When you click on a specific file handle, the following information about that handle is displayed in the lower right corner of the window:
Open Mode See Open Mode . Record Lock Type See Record Lock Type . Wait State See Wait State . Transaction State See Transaction State .Deleting Current Users
- Highlight the user name and click Delete Current User button. Deleting the current user removes the user from the list of active users of the MicroKernel and terminates the user's connection to the Communications Server. All open files for the user are closed and all allocated resources are freed.
- You can also click Delete All Users which deletes all of the current MicroKernel users.
Viewing MicroKernel Resource Usage
To view MicroKernel resource usage
- Choose Resource Usage from the MicroKernel menu. The MicroKernel Resource Usage dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 11-6 .
Figure 11-6 MicroKernel Resource Usage Dialog Box![]()
This dialog box allows you to view the total resources in use by the MicroKernel since it was loaded.The MicroKernel Resource Usage dialog box shows the following statistics for each resource:
The maximum values for most of these parameters are controlled dynamically by the engine. The maximum value is shown for backwards compatibility purposes only.
Files Indicates the number of active files. Handles Indicates the number of active handles. The MicroKernel creates a handle each time a user opens a file; therefore, a single user can have several handles for the same file. Clients Indicates the number of clients accessing the MicroKernel. A workstation can have multiple clients accessing the engine simultaneously. You set the maximum for this field with the Configuration utility (see Active Clients ). Worker Threads Indicates the number of concurrent MicroKernel processes. Licenses in Use Indicates the number of connected client licenses in use as defined by your licensing agreement. In this case, the maximum shows the number of users your licensing agreement allows. Transactions Indicates the number of transactions. The maximum for this field is unlimited. Locks Indicates the number of record locks. The maximum for this field is unlimited.
Viewing MicroKernel Communications Statistics
To view MicroKernel communications statistics
- Choose Communications from the MicroKernel menu. The MicroKernel Communications Statistics dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 11-7. This dialog box shows you the network requests, worker threads, and sessions in use by the Communications Server since it was loaded.
Figure 11-7 MicroKernel Communications Statistics Dialog Box![]()
The MicroKernel Communications Statistics dialog box shows the following statistics for several of the communications resources:
- Current - Shows the most recent value for each field.
- Peak - Shows the highest value for the field since the Communications Manager was started.
- Maximum - Shows the highest value allowed for the field.
You can monitor the activity of the following communications resources in the MicroKernel Communications Statistics dialog box:
Total Requests Processed Indicates the number of requests the Communications Manager has handled from workstations or remote, server-based applications.
Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. SPX Requests Processed Indicates the number of SPX requests the Communications Manager has handled from clients or remote, server-based applications.
Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. TCP/IP Requests Processed Indicates the number of TCP/IP requests the Communications Manager has handled from clients or remote, server-based applications.
Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. NetBIOS Requests Processed Indicates the number of NetBIOS requests the Communications Manager has handled from clients or remote, server-based applications.
Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. Connection Timeouts Indicates the number of times the Auto Reconnect feature has timed out when attempting to reconnect to clients.Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. Connection Recoveries Indicates the number of times the AutoReconnect feature has successfully recovered from a connection timeout.Total - Indicates the number of requests processed since the Communications server was loaded.
Delta - Indicates the number of requests since you first invoked the Communications Statistics dialog box. To reset this number to zero, click Reset Delta. Communication Threads Indicates the number of remote requests that the MicroKernel is currently processing. Local requests are not included in this statistic. For the total number of remote and local threads being processed, see the Resource Usage dialog box. You set the maximum for this field with the Configuration utility (the Communications Threads option ).
Worker threads are also used to process Monitor utility requests, so you may not see the number of current worker threads drop below one. This is normal. Total Remote Sessions Indicates the number of remote clients connected to the Communications Manager. The maximum number is dynamic and displays as zero. SPX Remote Sessions Indicates the number of remote clients connected via SPX to the Communications Manager. TCP/IP Remote Sessions Indicates the number of remote clients connected via TCP/IP to the Communications Manager. NetBIOS Remote Sessions Indicates the number of remote clients connected via NetBIOS to the Communications Manager.
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