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Before You Begin

Before upgrading to Pervasive.SQL V8, begin by reviewing the following documents for important information:


Once you have reviewed the latest product information, review this list of considerations to complete your upgrade installation preparation.

Requesters or Server First? - Pervasive's upgrade and support policy dictates that you should always use requesters that are the same version as or newer than your Server engine. Based on this policy, Pervasive testing may not uncover all issues when using older requesters against newer engines. Thus, Pervasive recommends that you upgrade your requesters along with your server engine.

Whether you install the server or the requester(s) first depends on the mechanics of your site. If, during your system down time, you can install the requesters to all the machines that need them, then you should install the server first and immediately upgrade all the client machines. If you need to upgrade the clients at a different time than the server, and your users need access to the system between these times, you should use a different approach.

One method you can use is to install the Pervasive.SQL server on a test machine. Then, when you install the new requesters, you can give the Pervasive System Analyzer (PSA) the location of the test server to verify the successful client installation. Once the client installation is complete, your applications will use the new requesters against your production server until it is time to upgrade the production server engine.

Platform Notes for Windows

This section contains installation information specific to the Windows platform.

Migration of Existing Configuration Settings

During the installation process, all of your existing server configuration values are migrated to the new server engine, with several exceptions. The exceptions are documented in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1    Configuration Setting Values not Migrated to V8

Configuration Setting
Value in V8
Server4Debugging4Trace File Location
C:\pvsw\bin\mkde.tra [default]; or bin\mkde.tra file in selected installation directory.
Server4Directories4 Transaction Log Directory
C:\pvsw\bin\mkde\log [default]; or bin\mkde\log subdirectory of selected installation directory.
Server4Compatibility4 Create File Version
8.x. By default, new data files are always created in the most recent file format.
Server4Memory Usage4 System Cache
Off. With the addition of Level 2 database cache in V8, the system cache should not be used.
Server4Data Integrity4 Transaction Durability
Off. With the addition of a new setting, Transaction Logging (default: On), Transaction Durability is not needed to ensure multi-file transaction atomicity and data integrity. If your application requires true Transaction Durability, you will need to use Configuration to turn this setting On.

Installing Over Existing Pervasive Products

Installation Tips

Click Yes to reboot the system. Setup is then automatically restarted.

It is strongly recommended that you reboot your system if you encounter this message. If you do not reboot your system, Setup will encounter failures during engine and utilities configuration.

Accessing README file information

It is highly recommended that you go through the README file to find out the latest changes and additions to Pervasive.SQL V8.

Upgrading Your Pervasive.SQL Installation
Check for Revisions
Upgrading to Pervasive.SQL Server from Earlier Pervasive.SQL Versions or Btrieve 6.x