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The CREATE PROCEDURE statement creates a new stored procedure. Stored procedures are SQL statements that are pre-defined and saved in the database dictionary.
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure-name ( [ parameter [, parameter ]... ] )RETURNS ( result [ , result ]... ) ] [ WITH DEFAULT HANDLER ] as-or-semicolon proc-stmtprocedure-name ::= user-defined-name parameter ::= parameter-type-name data-type [ DEFAULT proc-expr | = proc-expr ]| SQLSTATEparameter-type-name ::= parameter-name| parameter-type parameter-name | parameter-name parameter-typeparameter-type ::= IN | OUT | INOUT | IN_OUT parameter-name ::= :user-defined-name proc-expr ::= same as normal expression but does not allow IF expression, or ODBC-style scalar functions result ::= user-defined-name data-type as-or-semicolon ::= AS | ; proc-stmt ::= [ label-name : ] BEGIN [ATOMIC] [ proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... ] END [ label-name ]| CALL procedure-name ( proc-expr [ , proc-expr ]... ) | CLOSE cursor-name | DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR FOR select-statement [ FOR UPDATE | FOR READ ONLY ] | DECLARE variable-name data-type [ DEFAULT proc-expr | = proc-expr ] | DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name | delete-statement | FETCH [ fetch-orientation [ FROM ] ] cursor-name [ INTO variable-name [ , variable-name ] ] | IF proc-search-condition THEN proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... [ ELSE proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... ] END IF | insert-statement | LEAVE label-name | [ label-name : ] LOOP proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... END LOOP [ label-name ] | OPEN cursor-name | PRINT proc-expr [ , 'string' ] - applies only to Windows-based platforms | RETURN [ proc-expr ] | transaction-statement | select-statement-with-into | select-statement | SET variable-name = proc-expr | SIGNAL [ ABORT ] sqlstate-value | START TRANSACTION | update-statement | UPDATE SET column-name = proc-expr [ , column-name = proc-expr ]... WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name | [ label-name : ] WHILE proc-search-condition DO [ proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ] ]... END WHILE [ label-name ] | alter-table-statement | create-index-statement | create-table-statement | create-view-statement | drop-index-statement | drop-table-statement | drop-view-statement | grant-statement | revoke-statement | set-statementtransaction-statement ::= commit-statement| rollback-statement | release-statementcommit-statement ::= see COMMIT statement rollback-statement ::= see ROLLBACK statement release-statement ::= see RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement create-table-statement ::= see CREATE TABLE statement alter-table-statement ::= see ALTER TABLE statement drop-table-statement ::= see DROP TABLE statement create-index-statement ::= see CREATE INDEX statement drop-index-statement ::= see DROP INDEX statement create-view-statement ::= see CREATE VIEW statement drop-view-statement ::= see DROP VIEW statement grant-statement ::= see GRANT statement revoke-statement ::= see REVOKE statement set-statement ::= see SET DECIMALSEPARATORCOMMA statementlabel-name ::= user-defined-namecursor-name ::= user-defined-namevariable-name ::= user-defined-name
proc-search-condition ::= same as normal search-condition, but does not allow any expression that includes a subquery. fetch-orientation ::= | NEXT sqlstate-value ::= 'string'Remarks
To execute stored procedures, use the CALL statement.
Note that, in a procedure, the name of a variable and the name of a parameter must begin with a colon (:), both in the definition and use of the variable or parameter.
Statements are delimited with a semi-colon inside stored procedures and triggers.
The WITH DEFAULT HANDLER clause, when present, causes the procedure to continue execution when an error occurs. The default behavior (without this clause) is to abort the procedure with SQLSTATE set to the error state generated by the statement.
The use of a StmtLabel at the beginning (and optionally at the end) of an IF statement is an extension to ANSI SQL 3.
The PRINT statement applies only to Windows-based platforms. It is ignored on other operating system platforms.
In SQL Data Manager, the only way to test a stored procedure by using variable parameters is to call the stored procedure from another stored procedure. This technique is shown in the example for pdate (CREATE PROCEDURE pdate();) .
You may use variables as SELECT items only within stored procedures. This technique is shown in the example for varsub1 (CREATE PROCEDURE varsub1 ();) .
Data Type Restrictions
The following data types cannot be passed as parameters or declared as variables in a stored procedure or trigger:
Table 3-1 Data Types Prohibited in Stored Procedures and Triggers BFLOAT4 BFLOAT8 NUMERIC NUMERICSA NUMERICSTSLimits
The following limitations must be observed when creating stored procedures:
Attribute Limit Number of columns allowed in a trigger or stored procedure 300 Number of arguments in a parameter list for a stored procedure 300 Size of a stored procedure 64 KBExamples
The following example creates stored procedure Enrollstudent, which inserts a record into the Enrolls table, given the Student ID and the Class ID.
CREATE PROCEDURE Enrollstudent(in :Stud_id integer, in :Class_Id integer, IN :GPA REAL);BEGININSERT INTO Enrolls VALUES(:Stud_id, :Class_id, :GPA);END;Use the following statement to call the stored procedure.
CALL Enrollstudent(1023456781, 146, 3.2)Use the following statement to retrieve the newly inserted record.
SELECT * FROM Enrolls WHERE Student_id = 1023456781The CALL and SELECT statements, respectively, call the procedure by passing arguments, then display the row that was added.
The following procedure reads the Class table, using the classId parameter passed in by the caller and validates that the course enrollment is not already at its limit.
CREATE PROCEDURE Checkmax(in :classid integer); BeginDECLARE :numenrolled integer; DECLARE :maxenrolled integer; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :numenrolled FROM Enrolls WHERE class_ID = :classid; SELECT Max_size INTO :maxenrolled FROM Class WHERE id = :classid; IF (:numenrolled > :maxenrolled) THENEND; CALL Checkmax(101)PRINT 'Enrollment Failed. Number of students enrolled reached maximum allowed for this class' ;ELSEPRINT 'Enrollment Possible. Number of students enrolled has not reached maximum allowed for this class';END IF;Note that COUNT(expression) counts all non-NULL values for an expression across a predicate. COUNT(*) counts all values, including NULL values.
The following is an example of using the OUT parameter when creating stored procedures. Calling this procedure returns the number of students into the variable :outval that satisfies the WHERE clause.
CREATE PROCEDURE PROCOUT (out :outval INTEGER) AS BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :outval FROM Enrolls WHERE Class_Id = 101; END;The following is an example of using the INOUT parameter when creating stored procedures. Calling this procedure requires an INPUT parameter :IOVAL and returns the value of the output in the variable :IOVAL. The procedure sets the value of this variable based on the input and the IF condition.
ELSESET :IOVAL = '1982-03-03';
END IF;You cannot call the above procedure using a literal value (as in
call prociodate('1982-03-03')
), because it requires an output parameter. You must first bind the parameter using ODBC calls, or you can test the procedure by creating another procedure to call it, as shown here:CREATE PROCEDURE pdate(); BEGIN DECLARE :a DATE; CALL prociodate(:a); PRINT :a; END CALL pdateThe following example illustrates using the RETURNS clause in a procedure. This sample returns all of the data from the Class table where the Start Date is equal to the date passed in on the CALL statement.
CREATE PROCEDURE DATERETURNPROC(IN :PDATE DATE) RETURNS(ID INTEGER, Name CHAR(7), Section CHAR(3), Max_Size USMALLINT, Start_Date DATE, Start_Time TIME, Finish_Time TIME, Building_Name CHAR(25), Room_Number UINTEGER, Faculty_ID UBIGINT );CALL DATERETURNPROC('2001-06-05')BEGIN SELECT ID, Name, Section, Max_Size, Start_Date, Start_Time, Finish_Time, Building_Name, Room_Number, Faculty_ID FROM CLASS WHERE START_DATE = :PDATE; END;Note that the user-defined names in the RETURNS clause do not have to be named identically to the column names that appear in the selection list, as this example shows.
The following example shows the use of the WHERE CURRENT OF clause, which applies to positioned deletes.
CREATE PROCEDURE MyProc(IN :CourseName CHAR(7)) ASBEGINCALL MyProc('HIS 305')DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM course WHERE name = :CourseName FOR UPDATE; OPEN c1; FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO :CourseName; DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF c1; CLOSE c1;END;(Note that if you use a SELECT inside of a WHERE clause of a DELETE, it is a searched DELETE not a positioned DELETE.)
The following example shows the use of a variable (:i) as a SELECT item. The example assumes that table1 does not already exist. All records in the person table with an ID greater than 950000000 are selected, then inserted into col2 of table1. Col1 contains the value 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 as defined by the WHILE loop.
CREATE TABLE table1 (col1 CHAR(10), col2 BIGINT); CREATE PROCEDURE varsub1 (); BEGINDECLARE :i INT; SET :i = 0; WHILE :i < 5 DOEND CALL varsub1 SELECT * FROM table1 -- returns 110 rowsBEGIN INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2) SELECT :i , A.ID FROM PERSON A WHERE A.ID > 950000000; SET :i = :i + 1; END;END WHILE;The following is an example of using ATOMIC, which groups a set of statements so that either all succeed or all fail. ATOMIC can be used only within the body of a stored procedure or trigger.
The first procedure does not specify ATOMIC, the second does.
CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INTEGER) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t1i1 ON t1 (c1) CREATE PROCEDURE p1 ();BEGINCREATE PROCEDURE p2 ();INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1);END;BEGIN ATOMICCALL p1() CALL p2() SELECT * FROM t1INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2);END;Both procedures return an error because they attempt to insert duplicate values into a unique index.
The result is that t1 contains only one record because the first INSERT statement in procedure p1 succeeds even though the second fails. Likewise, the first INSERT statement in procedure p2 succeeds but the second fails. However, since ATOMIC is in procedure p2, all of the work done inside procedure p2 is rolled back when the error is encountered.
This example uses a stored procedure to create two tables and insert one row of default values into each. It then turns on security and grants permissions to user user1.
CREATE PROCEDURE p1 (); BEGIN CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT DEFAULT 10, c2 INT DEFAULT 100); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT DEFAULT 1 , c2 INT DEFAULT 2); INSERT INTO t1 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO t2 DEFAULT VALUES; SET SECURITY = larry; GRANT LOGIN TO user1:user1; GRANT SELECT ON t1 TO user1; GRANT INSERT ON t2 TO user1; END; CALL p1 SELECT * FROM t1 -- returns 10, 100 SELECT * FROM t2 -- returns 1, 2This example uses a stored procedure to revoke privileges from user user1, drop the two tables created in Example A, and turn off database security.
CREATE PROCEDURE p3 (); BEGIN REVOKE ALL ON t1 FROM user1; REVOKE ALL ON t2 FROM user1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; SET SECURITY = NULL; END; CALL p3 SELECT * FROM t1 -- returns an error, table not foundSELECT * FROM t2
-- returns an error, table not found
The following example shows how to loop through a cursor.
CREATE TABLE atable (c1 INT, c2 INT) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (1,1) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (1,2) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (2,2) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (2,3) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (3,3) INSERT INTO atable VALUES (3,4) CREATE PROCEDURE pp (); BEGIN DECLARE :i INTEGER; DECLARE c1Bulk CURSOR FOR SELECT c1 FROM atable ORDER BY c1 FOR UPDATE; OPEN c1Bulk; BulkLinesLoop: LOOP FETCH NEXT FROM c1Bulk INTO :i; IF SQLSTATE = '02000' THEN LEAVE BulkLinesLoop; END IF; UPDATE SET c1 = 10 WHERE CURRENT OF c1Bulk; END LOOP; CLOSE c1Bulk; END CALL pp --Succeeds SELECT * FROM atable --Returns 6 rowsUsing Stored Procedures
As an example, CALL foo(a, b, c) executes the stored procedure "foo" with parameters a, b, and c. Any of the parameters may be a dynamic parameter ('?'), which is necessary for retrieving the values of output and inout parameters. For example: CALL foo {(?, ?, 'TX')}. The curly braces are optional in your source code.
This is how stored procedures work in the current version of Pervasive.SQL.
- Triggers (CREATE TRIGGER, DROP TRIGGER) are supported as a form of stored procedure. This support includes tracking dependencies that the trigger has on tables, and procedures, in the database. You cannot use CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE TRIGGER in the body of a stored procedure or a trigger.
- There is no support for dynamic SQL statement construction.
- LOOP: post conditional loops are not supported (REPEAT...UNTIL).
- ELSEIF: The conditional format uses IF ... THEN ... ELSE. There is no ELSEIF support.
- CASE: There is no support for CASE in stored procedures.
General Stored Procedure Engine Limitations
You should be aware of the following limitations before using stored procedures.
- There is no qualifier support in CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE TRIGGER.
- Maximum length of a stored procedure variable name is 128 characters.
- Maximum length of a stored procedure name is 30 characters.
- Only partial syntactical validation occurs at CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE TRIGGER time. Column names are not validated until run time.
- There is currently no support for using subqueries everywhere expressions are used. For example,
set :arg = SELECT MIN(sal) FROM emp
is not supported. However, you could rewrite this query asSELECT min(sal) INTO :arg FROM emp
.- Only the default error handler is supported.
Limits to SQL Variables and Parameters
- Variable names must be preceded with a colon (:). This allows the stored procedure parser to differentiate between variables and column names.
- Variable names are case insensitive.
- No session variables are supported. Variables are local to the procedure.
Limits to Cursors
Limits when using Long Data
- When you pass long data as arguments to an imbedded procedure, (that is, a procedure calling another procedure), the data is truncated to 65500 bytes.
- Long data arguments to and from procedures are limited to a total of 2 MB.
Internally long data may be copied between cursors with no limit on data length. If a long data column is fetched from one statement and inserted into another, no limit is imposed. If, however, more than one destination is required for a single long data variable, only the first destination table receives multiple calls to PutData. The remaining columns are truncated to the first 65500 bytes. This is a limitation of the ODBC GetData mechanism.
See Also
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