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You can specify a single table or view, multiple tables, or a single view and multiple tables. When you specify more than one table, the tables are said to be joined.
join-definition ::= table-reference INNER JOIN table-reference ON search-condition| table-reference CROSS JOIN table-reference | outer-join-definitionouter-join-definition ::= table-reference outer-join-type JOIN table-reference ON search-condition outer-join-type ::= LEFT [ OUTER ] | RIGHT [ OUTER ] | FULL [ OUTER ]The following example illustrates a two-table outer join:
SELECT * FROM Person LEFT OUTER JOIN Faculty ON Person.ID = Faculty.IDThe following example shows an outer join embedded in a vendor string. The "OJ" can be either upper or lower case.
SELECT t1.deptno, ename FROM {OJ emp t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN dept t1 ON t2.deptno=t1.deptno}The SRDE supports two-table outer joins as specified in the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.
In addition to simple two-table outer joins, the SRDE supports n-way nested outer joins.
The outer join may or may not be embedded in a vendor string. If a vendor string is used, SRDE strips it off and parses the actual outer join text.
The Pervasive.SQL Engine has implemented LEFT OUTER JOIN using SQL92 (SQL2) as a model. The syntax is a subset of the entire SQL92 syntax which includes cross joins, right outer joins, full outer joins, and inner joins. The TableRefList below occurs after the FROM keyword in a SELECT statement and before any subsequent WHERE, HAVING, and other clauses. Note the recursive nature of TableRef and LeftOuterJoin-a TableRef can be a left outer join that can include TableRefs which, in turn, can be left outer joins and so forth.
TableRefList :TableRef [, TableRefList] | TableRef | OuterJoinVendorString [, TableRefList]TableRef :TableName [CorrelationName] | LeftOuterJoin | ( LeftOuterJoin )LeftOuterJoin : TableRef LEFT OUTER JOIN TableRef ON SearchCondThe search condition (SearchCond) contains join conditions which in their usual form are LT.ColumnName = RT.ColumnName, where LT is left table, RT is right table, and ColumnName represents some column within a given domain. Each predicate in the search condition must contain some non-literal expression.
The implementation of left outer join goes beyond the syntax in the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.
Vendor Strings
The syntax in the previous section includes but goes beyond the ODBC syntax in the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference. Furthermore, the vendor string escape sequence at the beginning and end of the left outer join does not change the core syntax of the outer join.
The Pervasive.SQL Engine accepts outer join syntax without the vendor strings. However, for applications that want to comply with ODBC across multiple databases, the vendor string construction should be used. Because ODBC vendor string outer joins do not support more than two tables, it may be necessary to use the syntax shown following Table 3-7 .
The following four tables are used in the examples in this section.
Table 3-4 Emp Table FirstName LastName DeptID EmpID Franky Avalon D103 E1 Gordon Lightfoot D102 E2 Lawrence Welk D101 E3 Bruce Cockburn D102 E4
Table 3-5 Dept Table DeptID LocID Name D101 L1 TV D102 L2 Folk
Table 3-6 Addr Table EmpID Street E1 101 Mem Lane E2 14 Young St.
Table 3-7 Loc Table LocID Name L1 PlanetX L2 PlanetYThe following example shows a simple two-way Left Outer Join:
SELECT * FROM Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN Dept ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptIDThis two-way outer join produces the following result set:
Notice the NULL entry for Franky Avalon in the table. That is because no DeptID of D103 was found in the Dept table. In a standard (INNER) join, Franky Avalon would have been dropped from the result set altogether.
The algorithm that the Pervasive.SQL Engine uses for the previous example is as follows:
taking the left table, traverse the right table, and for every case where the ON condition is TRUE for the current right table row, return a result set row composed of the appropriate right table row appended to the current left-table row.If there is no right table row where the ON condition is TRUE, (it is FALSE for all right table rows given the current left table row), create a row instance of the right table with all column values NULL.
That result set, combined with the current left-table row for each row, is indexed in the returned result set. The algorithm is repeated for every left table row to build the complete result set. In the simple two-way left outer join shown previously, Emp is the left table and Dept is the right table.
Although irrelevant to the algorithm, the appending of the left table to the right table assumes proper projection as specified in the select list of the query. This projection ranges from all columns (for example, SELECT * FROM . . .) to only one column in the result set (for example, SELECTFirstName
FROM . . .
With radiating left outer joins, all other tables are joined onto one central table. In the following example of a three-way radiating left outer join, Emp is the central table and all joins radiate from that table.
SELECT * FROM (Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN Dept ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Addr ON Emp.EmpID = Addr.EmpIDIn a chaining left outer join, one table is joined to another, and that table, in turn, is joined to another. The following example illustrates a three-way chaining left outer join:
SELECT * FROM (Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN Dept ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Loc ON Dept.LocID = Loc.LocIDThis join could also be expressed as:
SELECT * FROM Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN (Dept LEFT OUTER JOIN Loc ON Dept.LocID = Loc.LocID) ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptIDWe recommend the first syntax because it lends itself to both the radiating and chaining joins. This second syntax cannot be used for radiating joins because nested left outer join ON conditions cannot reference columns in tables outside their nesting. In other words, in the following query, the reference to Emp.EmpID is illegal:
SELECT * FROM Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN (Dept LEFT OUTER JOIN Addr ON Emp.EmpID = Addr.EmpID) ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptIDThe following example shows a three-way radiating left outer join, less optimized:
SELECT * FROM Emp E1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Dept ON E1.DeptID = Dept.DeptID, Emp E2 LEFT OUTER JOIN Addr ON E2.EmpID = Addr.EmpID WHERE E1.EmpID = E2.EmpIDThis query returns the same results as shown in Table 3-10, assuming there are no NULL values for EmpID in Emp and EmpID is a unique valued column. This query, however, is not optimized as well as the one show for Table 3-10 and can be much slower.
See Also
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