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Retrieves specified information from a database. A SELECT statement creates a temporary view.


query-specification [ [ UNION [ ALL ] query-specification ]... 
[ ORDER BY order-by-expression [ , order-by-expression ]... ] 
order-by-expression ::= expression [ CASE | COLLATE collation-name ] [ ASC | DESC ] 
query-specification ::=	  ( query-specification ) 
| SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] [ top-clause ] select-list 
  FROM table-reference [ , table-reference ]... 
  [ WHERE search-condition ] 
  [ GROUP BY expression [ , expression ]... 
[ HAVING search-condition ] ] 
top-clause ::= TOP number select-list ::= * | select-item [ , select-item ]... select-item ::= expression [ [ AS ] alias-name ] | table-name . * table-reference ::= { OJ outer-join-definition }
| [db-name.]table-name [ [ AS ] alias-name ] 
| join-definition 
| ( join-definition ) 
join-definition ::= table-reference INNER JOIN table-reference ON search-condition
| table-reference CROSS JOIN table-reference 
| outer-join-definition 
outer-join-definition ::= table-reference outer-join-type JOIN table-reference ON search-condition outer-join-type ::= LEFT [ OUTER ] | RIGHT [ OUTER ] | FULL [ OUTER ] search-condition ::= search-condition AND search-condition
| search-condition OR search-condition 
| NOT search-condition 
| ( search-condition ) 
| predicate 
predicate ::= expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN expression AND expression
| expression-or-subquery comparison-operator expression-or-subquery 
| expression [ NOT ] IN ( query-specification ) 
| expression [ NOT ] IN ( value [ , value ]... ) 
| expression [ NOT ] LIKE value 
| expression IS [ NOT ] NULL 
| expression comparison-operator ANY ( query-specification ) 
| expression comparison-operator ALL ( query-specification ) 
| [ NOT ] EXISTS ( query-specification ) 
comparison-operator ::= < | > | <= | >= | = | <> expression-or-subquery ::= expression | ( query-specification ) value ::= literal | USER | ? expression ::= expression - expression
| expression + expression 
| expression * expression 
| expression / expression 
| ( expression ) 
| -expression 
| +expression 
| column-name 
| ? 
| literal 
| set-function 
| scalar-function 
| { fn scalar-function } 
| IF ( search-condition , expression , expression ) 
| : user-defined-name 
set-function ::= COUNT (*)
| COUNT ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression ) 
| SUM ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression ) 
| AVG ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression ) 
| MIN ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression ) 
| MAX ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression ) 
scalar-function ::= see Scalar Functions


In addition to supporting a GROUP BY on a column-list, as specified in the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference, SRDE has extended the syntax to support a GROUP BY on an expression-list or on any expression in a GROUP BY expression-list. See GROUP BY for more information on GROUP BY extensions. HAVING is not supported without GROUP BY.

Result sets and stored views generated by executing SELECT statements with any of the following characteristics are read-only (they cannot be updated). That is, a positioned UPDATE, a positioned DELETE and an SQLSetPos call to add, alter or delete data is not allowed on the result set or stored view if:

Dynamic parameters (?) are not supported as SELECT items. You may use dynamic parameters in any SELECT statement if the dynamic parameter is part of the predicate. For example, SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE id = ? is valid because the dynamic parameter is part of the predicate.

Note that the SQLExecDirect statement does not support the use of dynamic parameters. For this reason, you cannot use SQL Data Manager to execute an SQL statement with a dynamic parameter in the predicate. (SQL Data Manager uses SQLExecDirect.)

You may use variables as SELECT items only within stored procedures. See CREATE PROCEDURE .

SUM and DECIMAL Precision

When using the SUM aggregate function to sum a field that is of type DECIMAL, the following rules apply:

The precision of the result is 74, while the scale is dependent on the column definition.

The result may cause an overflow error if a number with precision greater than 74 is calculated (a very large number indeed). If an overflow occurs, no value is returned, and SQLSTATE is set to 22003, indicating a numeric value is out of range.


This simple SELECT statement retrieves all the data from the Faculty table.

SELECT * FROM Faculty 

This statement retrieves the data from the person and the faculty table where the id column in the person table is the same as the id column in the faculty table.

SELECT, Faculty.salary FROM Person, Faculty WHERE =  

The following example retrieves student_id and sum of the amount_paid where it is greater than or equal to 100 from the billing table. It then groups the records by student_id.

SELECT Student_ID, SUM(Amount_Paid) 
FROM Billing 
GROUP BY Student_ID  
HAVING SUM(Amount_Paid) >=100.00 

If the expression is a positive integer literal, then that literal is interpreted as the number of the column in the result set and ordering is done on that column. No ordering is allowed on set functions or an expression that contains a set function.


The following types of subqueries are supported: comparison, quantified, in, exists, and correlated. ORDER BY clauses are not allowed in a subquery clause.

Correlated subquery predicates in the HAVING clause which contain references to grouped columns are not supported.

You may use a subquery on the left-hand side of an expression:

Expr-or-SubQuery CompareOp Expr-or-SubQuery 

where Expr is an expression, and CompareOp is one of:


Left-hand subquery behavior has been optimized for IN, NOT IN, and =ANY in cases where the subquery is not correlated and any join condition is an outer join. Other conditions may not be optimized. Here is an example of a query that meets these conditions:

SELECT count(*) FROM person WHERE id IN 
        (SELECT faculty_id FROM class) 

A correlated subquery is a subquery that depends in part on a table or tables in the main query.



SELECT * FROM results WHERE quotient =-4.5E-2 
INSERT INTO results (quotient) VALUES (+5E7) 



The syntax expression1 BETWEEN expression2 and expression3 returns TRUE if expression1 >= expression2 and expression1<= expression3. FALSE is returned if expression1 >= expression3, or is expression1 <= expression2.

Expression2 and expression3 may be dynamic parameters (for example, SELECT * FROM emp WHERE emp_id BETWEEN ? AND ?)


The next example retrieves the first names from the person table whose ID fall between 10000 and 20000.

SELECT First_name FROM Person WHERE ID BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000 



Both table and column correlation names are supported.


The following example selects data from both the person table and the faculty table using the aliases T1 and T2 to differentiate between the two tables.

SELECT * FROM Person T1, Faculty T2 WHERE =  

The correlation name for a table name can also be specified in using the FROM clause, as seen in the following example.

SELECT a.Name, b.Capacity FROM Class a, Room b  
WHERE a.Room_Number = b.Number 



SELECT car_num, price FROM cars WHERE car_num =49042 AND price=49999.99 



This selects the records from table Person table where the first names are Bill and Roosevelt.

SELECT * FROM  Person WHERE  First_name IN ('Roosevelt', 'Bill') 



The following example selects the minimum salary from the Faculty table.

SELECT MIN(salary) FROM Faculty 

MIN(expression), MAX(expression), SUM(expression), AVG(expression), COUNT(*), and COUNT(expression) are supported.

COUNT(expression) counts all non-NULL values for an expression across a predicate. COUNT(*) counts all values, including NULL values.

The following example counts all the rows in q where a+b does not equal NULL.




Date constants may be expressed in SQL statements as a character string or embedded in a vendor string. SQL_CHAR and the vendor string representation are treated as a value of type SQL_DATE. This becomes important when conversions are attempted.

The SRDE partially supports extended SQL grammar, as outlined in this function.


The next two statements return all the classes whose start date is after 1995-06-05.

SELECT * FROM Class WHERE Start_Date > '1995-06-05' 
SELECT * FROM Class WHERE Start_Date > {d '1995-06-05'} 

The SRDE supports the following date literal format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

Dates may be in the range of year 0 to 9999.



The following two statements retrieve records from the class table where the start time for the classes is 14:00:00.

SELECT * FROM Class WHERE Start_time = '14:00:00' 
SELECT * FROM Class WHERE Start_time = {t '14:00:00'} 

The SRDE supports the following time literal format: 'HH:MM:SS'.

Time constants may be expressed in SQL statements as a character string or embedded in a vendor string. Character string representation is treated as a string of type SQL_CHAR and the vendor string representation as a value of type SQL_TIME.

The SRDE partially supports extended SQL grammar, as outlined in this function.



Timestamp constants may be expressed in SQL statements as a character string or embedded in a vendor string. The SRDE treats the character string representation as a string of type SQL_CHAR and the vendor string representation as a value of type SQL_TIMESTAMP. The SRDE partially supports extended SQL grammar, as outlined in this function.


The next two statements retrieve records from the Billing table where the start day and time for the log is 1996-03-28 at 17:40:49.

SELECT * FROM Billing WHERE log = '1996-03-28 17:40:49.0000000' 
SELECT * FROM Billing WHERE log = {ts '1996-03-28 17:40:49.0000000'} 

The SRDE supports the following time literal format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSSS'. Note that the SRDE ignores the fractional seconds when processing Timestamp values, but the MKDE does not.



Literal strings are represented as single-quoted strings. If the string itself contains a single-quote or apostrophe, the character must be preceded by another single-quote.


SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 'Roberta''s Restaurant' 

date arithmetic


SELECT * FROM person P, Class C WHERE p.Date_Of_Birth < ' 1973-09-05' and c.Start_date >{d '1995-05-08'} + 30 

The SRDE supports adding or subtracting an integer from a date where the integer is the number of days to add or subtract, and the date is embedded in a vendor string. (This is equivalent to executing a convert on the date).

The SRDE also supports subtracting one date from another to yield a number of days.



The IF system scalar function provides conditional execution based on the truth value of a condition


This expression prints the column header as "Prime1" and amount owed as 2000 where the value of the column amount_owed is 2000 or it prints a 0 if the value of the amount_owed column is not equal to 2000.

SELECT Student_ID, Amount_Owed, 
IF (Amount_Owed = 2000, Amount_Owed, Convert(0, SQL_DECIMAL)) "Prime1" 
FROM Billing 

From table Class, the following example prints the value in the Section column if the section is equal to 001, else it prints "xxx" under column header Prime1

Under column header Prime2, it prints the value in the Section column if the value of the section column is equal to 002, or else it prints "yyy."

SELECT ID, Name, Section, 
IF (Section = '001', Section, 'xxx') "Prime1", 
IF (Section = '002', Section, 'yyy') "Prime2" 

FROM Class

You can combine header Prime1 and header Prime2 by using nested IF functions. Under column header Prime, the following query prints the value of the Section column if the value of the Section column is equal to 001 or 002. Otherwise, it print "xxx."

SELECT ID, Name, Section, 
IF (Section = '001', Section, IF(Section = '002', Section, 'xxx')) Prime 

FROM Class

Multi-database Join

When needed, a database name may be prepended to an aliased table name in the FROM clause, to distinguish among tables from two or more different databases that are used in a join.

All of the specified databases must be serviced by the same database engine. They do not need to reside on the same physical volume. The current database may be secure or non-secure, but all other databases in the join must be non-secure. With regard to Referential Integrity, all RI keys must exist within the same database.

Literal database names are not permitted in the select-list or in the WHERE clause. If you wish to refer to specific columns in the select-list or in the WHERE clause, you must use an alias for each specified table. See examples.


Assume two separate databases, "accounting" and "customers," exist on the same server. You can join tables from the two databases using table aliases and SQL syntax similar to the following example:

SELECT ord.account, inf.account, ord.balance, inf.address  
FROM accounting.orders ord, inf  
WHERE ord.account = inf.account 

In this example, the two separate databases are "acctdb" and "loandb." The table aliases are "a" and "b," respectively.

SELECT a.loan_number_a, b.account_no, a.current_bal, b.balance  
FROM acctdb.ds500_acct_master b LEFT OUTER JOIN loandb.ml502_loan_master a ON (a.loan_number_a = b.loan_number)  
WHERE a.current_bal <> (b.balance * -1)  
ORDER BY a.loan_number_a 

left outer join


The following example shows how to access the "Person" and "Student" tables from the DEMODATA database to obtain the Last Name, First Initial of the First Name and GPA of students. With the LEFT OUTER JOIN, all rows in the "Person" table are fetched (the table to the left of LEFT OUTER JOIN). Since not all people have GPA's, some of the columns have NULL values for the results. This is how outer join works, returning non-matching rows from either table.


SELECT Last_Name,Left(First_Name,1) AS First_Initial,Cumulative_GPA AS GPA FROM "Person" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "Student" ON Person.ID=Student.ID 
ORDER BY Cumulative_GPA DESC, Last_Name 

Assume that you want to know everyone with perfectly rounded GPA's and have them all ordered by the length of their last name. Using the MOD statement and the LENGTH scalar function, you can achieve this by adding the following to the query:

WHERE MOD(Cumulative_GPA,1)=0 ORDER BY LENGTH(Last_Name) 

right outer join


The difference between LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN is that all non matching rows show up for the table defined to the right of RIGHT OUTER JOIN. Change the query for LEFT OUTER JOIN to include a RIGHT OUTER JOIN instead. The difference is that the all non-matching rows from the right table, in this case "Student," show up even if no GPA is present. However, since all rows in the "Student" table have GPA's, all rows are fetched.


SELECT Last_Name,Left(First_Name,1) AS First_Initial,Cumulative_GPA AS GPA FROM "Person" 
RIGHT OUTER JOIN "Student" ON Person.ID=Student.ID 
ORDER BY Cumulative_GPA DESC, Last_Name 

Cartesian join


A Cartesian join is the matrix of all possible combinations of the rows from each of the tables. The number of rows in the Cartesian product equals the number of rows in the first table times the number of rows in the second table.


Assume you have the following tables in your database:

Table 3-13 Addr Table

101 Mem Lane
14 Young St.

Table 3-14 Loc Table


The following performs a Cartesian JOIN on these tables:


This results in the following:

Table 3-15 SELECT Statement with Cartesian JOIN

101 Mem Lane
101 Mem Lane
14 Young St
14 Young St



You can use DISTINCT with SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX (but it does not change results with MIN and MAX). DISTINCT eliminates duplicate values before calculating the sum, average or count.


Suppose you want to know the salaries for different departments including the minimum, maximum and salary, and you want to remove duplicate salaries. The following statement would do this, excluding the computer science department:

SELECT dept_name, MIN(salary), MAX(salary), AVG(DISTINCT salary) FROM faculty WHERE dept_name<>'computer science' GROUP BY dept_name 

If you wanted to include duplicate salaries, you would use:

SELECT dept_name, MIN(salary), MAX(salary), AVG(salary) FROM faculty WHERE dept_name<>'computer science' GROUP BY dept_name 


You may limit the number of rows returned by a single SELECT statement by using the keyword TOP in the statement and specifying a value for the maximum number of rows to return.


The specified number of rows must be a literal positive number. It is defined as a 32-bit unsigned integer.

If a SELECT statement includes both TOP and an ORDER BY clause, the SRDE generates a temporary table and populates it with the query's entire result set. The rows in the temporary table are ordered as specified by the ORDER BY clause and the TOP number of rows in the ordered result set are returned.

Views that contain a TOP clause may not be joined with other tables or views.

The main difference between TOP and SET ROWCOUNT is that TOP affects only the current statement, while SET ROWCOUNT affects all subsequent statements issued during the current database session.

If both SET ROWCOUNT and TOP are applied to a given query, the query returns a number of rows equal to the lesser of the two values.

Cursor Types and TOP

A SELECT query with a TOP clause used in a cursor implicitly changes the cursor type under several circumstances. When using the table below, remember that any SELECT with ORDER BY on an unindexed column requires a temporary table. If the ORDER BY is on an indexed column, then a temporary table is not required.

Table 3-16 Effect of TOP Clause on Cursor Types

Original Cursor Type
Converted to This Type if SELECT query requires a temporary table:
Converted to This Type if SELECT query does not require a temporary table:
No change
No change
No change


SELECT TOP 10 * FROM person  
		-- returns 10 rows 
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM person; 
		-- returns 5 rows 
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM person ORDER BY id; 
		-- returns the first 10 rows of the full list ordered by column id. 

The following examples show a variety of behaviors when TOP is used in views, unions, or subqueries.

CREATE VIEW v1 (c1) AS SELECT TOP 10 id FROM person; 
SELECT * FROM v2  -- returns 5 rows 
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM v2  -- returns 5 rows 
SELECT TOP 0 * FROM v2  -- returns 0 rows 
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM v2  -- returns 2 rows 
SELECT TOP 10 id FROM person UNION SELECT TOP 13 faculty_id FROM class  
 		-- returns 14 rows 
SELECT TOP 10 id FROM person UNION ALL SELECT TOP 13 faculty_id FROM class  
 		-- returns 23 rows 
SELECT id FROM person WHERE id IN (SELECT TOP 10 faculty_id from class)  
		-- returns 4 rows 
SELECT id FROM person WHERE id >= any (SELECT TOP 10 faculty_id from class)  
		-- returns 1493 rows 

Incorrect Examples

The following SELECT statements generate error messages, because the view defined contains a TOP clause, and thus cannot be involved in a join.

CREATE VIEW v1 (c1) AS SELECT TOP 10 id FROM person  
SELECT * FROM v1 INNER JOIN person ON v1.c1 =  
		-- returns an error message 
SELECT * FROM person V v1 ON person.c1 =  
		-- returns an error message 
SELECT * FROM person, v1  
		-- returns an error message 


		-- returns 145 instances of Master (the table contains 145 rows) 
		-- returns 1 instance of Master  

See Also

Global Variables



SELECT (with into)
Check for Revisions